March 28th, 2023 Livestream Hardware Requirements

March 28th, 2023 Livestream

Hardware Requirements

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important thing I want to talk about is Hardware requirements because this was probably one of the I don't know why I saved this for Last In The Stream because this is actually one of the biggest topics that I've seen people talk about after the video was released is that a lot of people were worried that, they won't be able to play the game anymore because we had to upgrade the, we released like a preliminary new minimum specs which was the GTX 1650 four core CPU and kicks RAM and an SSD because of how nanite works and I just want to mention really quickly that like let's see here like all the footage you've seen here when I was doing the thing like maybe this is a better one like all your footage you're seeing here this was captured on a 1080., now granted 1080 isn't is still one step I believe after 1650., but I think my point is that don't don't like buy new hardware before you've tried it out, because yeah buy a 1080. it doesn't run great on a 1080 though I'll tell you that much I'm getting like I'm getting consistently 30 FPS, with Lumen on I should mine, ad by the way, and but like I've played the game a lot on my machine at home and, I mean it works what's wrong with 30fps Andrew get the hell out, I mean it works like it you can play the game fine on older graphics card, granted I don't have a massive factory but I you know I've I'm at tier five or six and it runs pretty smooth, so when it comes to the hardware requirements for the game don't get too like choked up on it I actually don't know how we've determined these specs either it's possible that we just followed like one of the one of the guidelines from from a real engine where like yeah they're like oh if you're making out on Engine 5 game then you you need to have at least this might be the case that like they're anticipating that you're gonna be using a lot of lumen or or you know a lot of the techniques or whatever, a lot of nanite stuff like that it's but we're not really using all that new stuff, I guess so I mean the only thing really is that I the goal really is to support direct like DirectX 12 is the default renderer for us, so so any GPU that has support for G for DirectX 12 you know will be able to run the game so yeah try it out at least before you before you start buying like a bunch of stuff I have DTX 10 1060. like that's the thing I think the game will run, I think it's Famous Last Words, but I don't know I don't know 1060 and 1080 were a big leap maybe I don't know but, do consider not like be to work we'll see when the update launches that's when we get whether or not we've we've made a big leap, but it's it's sort of like the way the story goes like the cooker crumbles in a way because we are using a lot of techniques that will make the game better and and you know we are moving forward in time and and a lot of stuff is getting deprecated, like we drop support for Windows 7 because Microsoft drops supported it one of the reasons why we dropped support for the current GTA like the GTX 770 on the website was because that card is no longer supported so there's no point in us saying that we are going to support it, so really if you have any GPU that can use DirectX 12., should run but I don't know I don't know it's It's Tricky defining like minimum specs is so hard like what does that mean because in the world of computers there's so many factors that can play into it, so I don't know so Panic once we release it then then we can talk but, definitely a case of RAM on on like when you can be like holy you need that, God damn so yes, let's see and then we mentioned