March 28th, 2023 Livestream World Partition System

March 28th, 2023 Livestream

World Partition System

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all right let's talk about the world partitioning system this is the biggest thing that ever has ever happened satisfactory this is like one of the main reasons why we changed, and the biggest reason isn't necessarily that like we fix hitches and stuff like that the biggest gain for us is how we work together on the game, multiple artists working on multiple parts of the map, it's it's a huge like working on the world that we are there's a huge undertaking and, and working collaboratively on on that stuff has been it's been a headache to be honest, I think I mean I'm not the one doing it but it's quite obvious that like it's it's it's rough and it's a huge world and, you know we're doing the best we can but adding the world partitioning system makes it so much more like easy for us to to check out and check in stuff as we're developing it, in our in our version control system and, yeah just working on the tiles themselves and be able to configure them a bit more granularly we've had a lot of tools made to be able to work on the world as it is, and now it's it's, it's very so so just to clarify a bit so the example is like if someone's working on the Glass lens and like previously somebody could be working on the grasslands and somebody could be working on the rocky the the rocky Forest I was like Rocky desert like because those two were split up but now it's it's way more granular so now so now two people can work on the grasslands at the same time so long so long as they're not touching the same parts or the actors rather on the grass fields, previously everything was like loaded into one sort of Chunk and now we can actually work on the smaller bits on that chunk instead we still have the chunks, but now we can Define them a little bit more and make them smaller and and make them make sense so for instance in the example with the Northern Forest that I have in the beginning here you notice how like not the entirety of the Northern Forest was loaded in that was not even possible in the world system, even though it doesn't look as good as it does right now but like like we didn't have that option before so now we do have that option and it makes it so we can actually adjust it more and we might even do the thing where like we tie it into I mean I say my I'm pretty sure we will but we might even have the thing where you know you can have a setting in your in your in the settings menu where like based on The View distance we load in less things so if you notice you're actually running into hitches you can reduce it and like adjusted more to your, out of your necessity, and stuff like that that will be possible, we don't have it right now but that will be a possibility so World petitioning system a huge deal, for us and like this goes from a lot of stuff here where right now we're just kind of catching up the projects and like migrating stuff to be using the new technology that's in Unreal Engine 5. so Jace mentions in the video that like you know performance hasn't been drastically improved actually is a bit worse than before in in some cases but now we're at the point where we can actually start like using a lot of the stuff that is available in animal London 5., and I'm really excited for the next couple of, hopefully commits because right now the game is really heavy loading in on in in the engine and, we'll we're going to be moving to like hopefully, loading and virtual texturing for the hlods which doesn't mean too much of anything that's the one thing I'm looking forward to now and I think that's what we're going to see a huge gain soon, but it's going to be better in the long run essentially it's going to prove the game for sure in the long run and that's sort of why we want to do it now rather than like after 1.0 or whatever because this is when this is the best moment really like this is the best opportunity we have to do it so, that's what we're doing so so I don't know if I need to talk too much about the world partitioning system, I think Jace covers I haven't seen too many questions on the world partition system I think people got that, stuff so there's not too much to clarify there, so check the video if you want to see more information about that stuff I guess I could show off again the, I have a video here, or I have a in the video we sort of showcase like how it would work, so so now instead of what how it used to work is you would pick a tile you would pick like three by four and it would load in like that segment but now you can like select like with the mouse like here I want to load this part and it loads that region and it's it's so cool it's it's so useful because if we move here a second I'm going to show you why this is really useful in a bit I think it's not this one what I think is the next one after that, no it is this one okay so if you check here this hill over here hasn't had the cliffs loaded in so like this looks really strange when you just look at it like this, but when I load in that portion of it in a second Boom the cliffs are in so like you can I think I hope this demonstrates this how like granular it is, yeah I used to be an oak tree exactly so super dope super dope, and then I keep going and just keep going load more it's also funny because the world partitioning system also functions like sort of in the engine in a bit so when you're moving around so we can actually load the entire map I don't know if that was really possible before because I think we ran out of space I think we ran out of vram when we did that before, I never did it so I don't know if I maybe it was possible to do it before but like when I'm in engine now I can actually load the entire world at the same time which is pretty cool how easy or hard was this feature to implement that I don't know, it wasn't oh no I don't want to watch him, it wasn't none of the stuff here was was like just push of a button I know that they said in the video just it just works that it did not it still doesn't work it still doesn't just work, not true but, a lot of stuff is sort of, sometimes we made custom engine edits and, if we touch too much of that it's an issue and I believe we had to like make some tools to be able to move the world over to to the current iteration, so yeah so yeah that's the world positioning system I don't think there was too much else I don't should I be taking questions while we're doing this stuff or should I save it for after I think I should be taking questions while we're doing this actually, that's that's a that's a baddie on me that's a baddie on my part because I realized if I save everything for the end we might not have time for questions and I really really want to spend this time on stream answering questions, questions so, yeah I'm gonna try and keep keep track of that more actually, the the world petitioning system will not affect drones so the way it works the way we've set it up is we have sort of two maps we have a persistent map and we have the stuff that you see like in the world that's sort of not tied to factory logic or tied to, pickups and stuff like that and not a nodes so we have a persistent level where all the nodes all the factory logic all the, the no I said the nodes, I believe the hard drive stuff like all the crash sites like a lot of the gameplay stuff are loaded in separately and we load in everything so no matter where you are on the map your factor is running no matter where you are we're not unloading the factory we're unloading, like the the meshes and we're not making them render and stuff like that and we're making I think we have like proxy models or proxy actors for those for all the factory related stuff so so like the logic will always run okay, it would be weird if like you unload a factory and then come back to nothing's happened, so and the Drone like routes all are all in that persistent level, so the world partition system doesn't touch that it just touches like what the environment looks like you know what models are loaded in what you're looking at and stuff like that


, yes cool cool let's move on, and talk about TSR