March 28th, 2023 Livestream
Unreal Engine 5
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weekly Dev stream, this week is going to be a little bit special, because this week we're going to spend the entirety of the stream talking about the video or not the video per se we're going to talk about the the content of the video that Jace put out last week well I say Jace because it was me but Jace was in the video so, we put out a video last week if you didn't know about that fact that we are upgrading the game two on real engine five, which is a pretty big deal I would say, there's not a lot of people that well I say that but epic also the day after I announced that like 77 percent of Games built in unrealand 4 are moved unrelated in five so I think a lot of people are making this move, who are currently developing a game in unreal and four but, we've made the move and we have made the move a while ago actually it's been a bit awkward on stream to be like yeah we don't know if we're gonna do it we we knew but we kind of didn't want to like talk about it on stream before we announced that in this manner, for a couple of reasons one of them is mainly because there's a lot of implications into moving until Android 5. that I don't think everyone is aware of so the thing that we were scared of if we just announced that like Hey we're moving to Unreal Engine five a lot of people will have like different views on like what does that mean like or have like ideas in their head as like oh maybe satisfactory will have like a bunch of nanite and Lumen and all that stuff like we really want to clarify in one setting in like one video preferably like this is everything that goes into what an upgrade is and we didn't want to do that on stream because not everybody watches the streams not everybody knows about the vods we want to have like one concise place where we could put all that information as to like what the move to unrelated in five would mean, to not like have this issue of People spreading like you know rumors or misinterpreting what that means and like build up hype for something that we're not going to be able to support etc etc so making that video was really the only way we saw fit that we could announce that we are moving to Unreal Engine five and it's it was I don't know if you realize but it was a busy beefy video okay it's like the original draft was like six was an hour I believe or 50 minutes ish and then we we, cooked it down to 40. which is the current one but I think it's really important that it's it's like, I think it's really important that that we are clear as to what we can and cannot do in our regime five, now granted even though we put out that video there's still a bit of a misinformation out there as to like what this means, so I'm gonna try and clarify as much as I can in today's stream so we're we're gonna spend the entirety of the stream talking about this today, it's a shame that originally we weren't supposed to release this video now we were supposed to show off more stuff before then, other like there's stuff there's other stuff enough they've ate okay guys I also saw that a lot of comments on the internet that people are like is this the only thing that's going to be in update 8 no, unreal identify is a huge part of update 8. it's a like from our part like the vast majority of our effort has gone into supporting Unreal Engine 5., but that's not everything that's in updated there's a lot of other stuff too and we wanted to sort of tease some of that stuff but as you now know because we moved to unrelated in five a lot of tools that we use to like capture in-game footage and like generally capture like yeah the stuff that I do essentially make the teasers and like the videos all that stuff was broken and all the tools that we use, that are like surrounding capturing footage was also broken so I had to from scratch almost recreate all those tools for Android and five and, that took a lot longer than I thought so we were supposed to like unveil stuff two weeks ago and here we are I still haven't quite fully finished the tools yet but, it is what it is and we were supposed to like just push everything by one week but then we realized that I'm not gonna be able to make that either so we're gonna push things around shift the schedule around a bit I talked about this on last week's stream, instead we opened the gates with unveiling that we are unreasoning, that we are releasing Unreal Engine 5 for satisfactory and there's more content okay there's more to update than than just that okay so don't worry there's new stuff coming, just bear in mind that updated is going to be similar to update seven so don't expect like any major like new content in terms of like you know Factory buildings or stuff like that, if if there's gonna be any more content like that that will be in 1.0, essentially so that will be further down the line, because right now we're focusing on wrapping up the game so we can release 1.0 so that's kind of what's going to be that's sort of I guess you've seen the effort of that in these last couple of updates where we've mostly done you know a lot of tweaks to the game like structure of like behind the scenes such as an engine update and there's also a bunch of like feedback fixes that we have, stuff like that so but there's more news on updated later right now we're going to talk about, Unreal Engine 5., and let's see was there anything I forgot in my notes here to preface this, yes one thing that was quite, annoying was that the day before release we released this video, epic announced and like talked about, unrelated in 5.2 We're not gonna move to that engine like to that version, for two reasons one is that 5.2 which was like announced last week Thursday I believe, that's still in preview and we never move production to a preview build of Unreal Engine, we've we don't even consider that as an option until sometimes we even wait for like one patch or like one like minor release of Unreal Engine before we actually consider moving to the next or upgrading the the game because usually and you know epic are kind of similar to us like they just want to get it out and then they realize like oh there's a bunch of issues and then they patch it and then the next patch is pretty pretty much the finished one, so so we we usually wait like one minor patch before we even consider moving, as to like when that version will be out of preview after that we'll be moved to 5.2 that's kind of like we'll see we'll see what happens it it depends it's the same sort of procedure as always when we evaluate whether or not it's worth it, depending a little bit of like where we are in production it might not be worth it anymore to upgrade to later versions of Unreal Engine but we'll see we'll see okay, by the way if anyone from coffee stain are watching this as we go through all this stuff if if I say something that's incorrect please write to me and I'll that like we'll sort it out immediately in the Stream but I'm I'm essentially going to go off Jason's script more so than anything and then dive into some things that people asked about that you might need some clarification so let's let's just get straight to it I guess, he's going on no I'm going on script as hell like I'm gonna be so on script, right I talked about the fact that we couldn't unveil unreal and five the reason yeah the reason why was because we wanted to get like we wanted to do a prop run Rail and not just unveilance just not just say like update
, for a couple of reasons actually and that's two next topics that we're going to be talking about and that's nanite and Lumen for those who don't know nanite and Lumen are two like Technologies or I'd say technology, within Unreal Engine that they've made specifically for Unreal Engine, that one handles Global elimination I'm going to say GI from now on because saying Global elimination over and over again is really tricky so GI is global elimination and the nanite is like a, it's a, it was a car I'm gonna try and use the proper term but it's it's essentially like a clustered way of, calculating when you're looking at a model in 3D which polygons are actually visible per pixel because you can end up in a situation where if you have a model and you move it way back and the whole entirety of the model fits within one pixel the the Shader is still gonna like send all that data to to the GPU and it's still gonna do like all the like calculations of how to render and then it's going to find out that like all that rendering is happening on one pixel and then it just decides like here's the color of that pixel like that's essentially what happens on the GPU right the the GPU is essentially just taking like data from what's going on in CPU and then this calculator like per pixel like what color should the pixel have based on on what's being rendered on screen at the moment and that it essentially boils models down so that it only essentially this is dumbed down because there's a lot of techniques into it but essentially it boils down to like it figuring out like what parts of a model are being rendered at the moment and then that sends the GPU there's a couple of limitations with that, one is that you lose a little bit of artistic like control because a lot of times you all like artists use like normal maps and like all those kind of buffers that that come in with the regular old system of rendering and you can sort of like bake in more information and then like kind of cheat the system a little bit, that is not possible anymore so you have to go with like the rendering pipeline that is designed for Lumen or sorry design for nanite, so because of that we've decided to well not because of that but that's one aspect of it, and for us we're mainly going to use nanite on the the rocks that we have in our game because those The Cliffs and the rocks are already pretty high like density wise polygon wise, I remember one early meeting with epic where they were critiquing us for having way too high fidelity, like models for the cliffs and the rocks in our game, they they they told us that like the only reason why you'd have this much Fidelity for our Cliff should be if you're making like a rock climbing game or something like that, and that stuck with me really
, so so that is like really useful for us, to use Nani for that, however a lot of people have asked or talked about the fact that you can also use nanite on foliage and that's something that's somewhat new in Unreal Engine that wasn't part of like the initial release of Unreal Engine 5 but they've since added it because nanite has the issue that a lot of times you can only use it for static meshes which is meshes that can't move, now technically foliage don't move but there's a bunch of like Shader magic happening where like you have leaves swaying and like grass moving and stuff like that so it originally it wasn't really possible to use nanite for you know that kind of magic but now epic has support for that so it is technically possible to make, use nanite for foliage however we will probably not do that for a couple of reasons one is that, we would need to sort of we have so much foliage in our game that we can't just like press one button and convert it all to nanite we would sort of need to like go in hand fix a bunch of stuff and it would just be too much work at this point of development, if we were to start from scratch and have the knowledge that we have now and be like we're gonna make satisfactory we're gonna use honorable engine five we probably would have used, nanite for foliage but as things are right now it is probably not doable, the same question also comes to machines and stuff like that using Nani for that I think that's something we want to do is the same kind of deal there's a lot of resource that needs to be spent on sort of converting our models to be able to utilize nanite, but that is more likely, than than converting our foliage to an airline so which is a little bit of a bummer because we'll talk about that in a bit but, it's a little bit of bummer because it the the biggest gain of using nanite is really when you're rendering from a distance so, and you guys will see that in a second actually because I've got a bunch of footage prepared for today where we will showcase some of this stuff, yeah so like distance and Jace talked about this in the video where like if you're rendering for far away you know we can have higher density density models for for Stuff further back, so like you could see the entirety of the the world potentially in the future instead of like all those boxes and stuff like that, so that's nanite Lumen is another thing and luminous we're kind of supporting Lumen we will have the option for you to be able to turn on lumen and now and, yeah we'll talk about that too in a second, so I kind of forgot about this step but I kind of want to go back a little a bit and talk about rendering in general too, and and, I have a little segment prepared here actually for that so I saw a lot of comments from people saying that like the game is gonna look so much better now that it's on a related in five and and like like that's one of the reasons why we moved so the game will not drastically change in terms of what it looks like because from real London five, just just just want to point that out even with lumen in in a lot of cases and I'm going to sort of see I'm kind of curious actually, if people will be able to even Spot the Difference between what the game looks like now and what the game will look like in update 8. so I have prepared a little quiz sort of not a quiz but like this little game show here, so I've got, I have set up five shots five different locations in the world and I'm going to be showing you footage from update seven and I'm going to show you footage from today in update eight but you're not gonna know which one is which, so so essentially what we're gonna do is we're just gonna spam in chat which one you think is which one so there's going to be two options there's going to be a and b, and sometimes a is update seven sometimes a is update eight vice versa so you never know and then we'll have a reveal don't do it yet we haven't seen the footage yet okay calm down, so hopefully Mike should work in the scene, and let's dive into spot number one all right here we go so here's one spot here's a here's the game at this point and then for comparison we have spot B all right it's gonna loop again so which one do you think is which do you think which one is update eight is B A or B update a oh a lot of B's here let's see we'll go back to a here ah interesting well we're going back and forth I think I've seen more bees than A's though or maybe not it's a little bit divided I feel like people are mostly voting B though all right we'll see in five four here comes a bigger reveal all right so a was update seven and B was updated in this example yeah so there you see the difference, some of this stuff is like I'm gonna pause here whoops, let's go back to the video or not there we go, so I'm just gonna pause over here so some of this stuff though is that we've updated this biome a little bit, I believe so like some stuff may move around possibly
, I will see so that was the that was the that was the first one how did you all do I feel like most people managed to see it though so let's jump into the the next one here we go there's another one here's option A behind door number a this is what it looks like and then he's behind door number two with his b so which one do you think is update eight A or B let's see huh a lot of ace I feel like when the thing is on the screen I get more of one of them but I feel like this is more people are more leaning into a here very interesting very interesting yes yes I guess we'll have to find out in five seconds here we go oh my God which one was it a was up there eight so y'all got one two hell yeah, you can kind of tell from let's see here in this example the fog is a bit more announced in this one because of I guess something rendering wise right because something is different in the rendering pipeline I also a lot of people might mentioned the smoke, it's possible that the smoke has been updated, the VFX that is I don't know if that actually is changed but, yeah look at that we just counted the voxels all right let's jump straight into this the third option here and I think this is this is, you're all gonna get this one so option one which is a could this be updated could this be update seven well I don't know oh did you guys know and here's option b this one should be yeah look at that a lot of bees y'all are catching over quicker either you guys play the game too much or you're just really good guessers which kind of gave that one away but the fact that I'm saying that the waterfalls I don't I don't know if the waterfalls have changed actually but yeah let's see what it is Could It Be A or B so Update 7 is a and update 8 is B so this is a really good example actually of how nanite like drastically improves the clips so if you look here in the far distance, on the cliffs there's a lot more detail in update that is in update seven and that is because we get that like that advantage of using nanite on Clips, so instead of using the lauded version of the cliffs, we can use like the actual model, so yeah pretty dope all right spot number four here we go here we are Northern forests and here's option A and then in a few seconds we have option b which is inch oh this was a little bit more split actually a lot of a lot of split here okay this one wasn't as obvious B poison looks more multimetric I don't know if the that has changed too much, which is interesting actually yeah so the detail and B all right the this might surprise you Chad because a is actually updated in this instance, and this one is a little bit tricky because it actually looks like a downgrade in this yeah a little bit Bamboozled, somebody mentioned that was better detail in the gas I don't think it actually has changed between, like update eight and seven, but so the thing here this is a little bit about Boozle because in update we've changed the, since we're moving the system the world partitioning system, we are like loading in assets in a different way, so and here we haven't fully set that up sometimes in certain cases it might not load in enough sort of so in this case you don't see the entirety of the Northern Forest in the background there you see like there's a little hole there it's a gap whereas here it's much more detailed so here in update, this in this particular spot we're a little bit more, like we're not loading in as much as we are in update seven but that is also we'll talk more about that but that is also one of the drawbacks of how it is in order for the fact that we had to load an entirety of of tiles whereas now we actually do have the option, to sort of load in half and half, so yeah and then lastly we have another Northern Forest Spot, so here is option A and then we have option b over here oh people going B so with the knowledge potentially yeah of what I told you just a second ago it might be quite obvious yeah it's true like watching this on stream as well you don't get the full like quality experience if you will, but it is what it is so what could it be Chad which one was it I feel like most people yeah it's updated is is option A is updated and B is update seven ah tricky tricky yeah, yeah it's it's, it's not as obvious sometimes, so here's like actually the opposite so here it actually does load in, in update a it loads better in this particular spot than when we're in originally, and that kind of stuff is stuff that we need to tweak yeah baited, actually I wonder if I up I wonder if this is true actually I need to double check this yeah I'm wondering I'm not sure if this is true actually now that I think about it I want to I want to verify this it's not been up for sure I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case
let's see here let me open up the the thing
I think like the the main point is I think most of you guys notice because you are all all die hard satisfactory players, when I started playing update a I didn't really notice that big of a difference, but when you compare them side by side is quite obvious, let's see what number was that that was five
five yeah I did up it's supposed to be the other round, so we were not Bamboozled it was actually I Bamboozled myself too I was like wait was it not that instance but, yeah ignore that last one yeah so w for this chat so so it was only really the, the second one I think or the third one that was kind of difficult to notice, but I think the if anything speaking of nanite and that's kind of wanted to get to this point really was that, not this one this one was the fact that Cliffs now look way better at the distance at a distance, so that's like that's like one of the biggest gains when using that eye for Eclipse compared to the regular way of blotting them etc etc so yeah I actually have more stuff on this though, also just want to mention that like the clips won't be like higher like we won't improve the Fidelity of the cliffs, like they'll be the same quality as they are in the right now in the game it's just that the lauding is the the major thing where it changes so when raw clubbing that's a good question, billboarding it we were never billboarding The Cliffs, we we billboard the trees and like the foliage and that will still be the case, because yeah that's how it works let's see here, so Lumen Jace mentioned Lumen so Lumen is like epics GI system that they've made, Lumen is is taking a lot of different GI like, implementations and sort of baking them together so I believe it's three different Ray tracing, techniques that are combined in Lumen which makes it really powerful because it's really efficient, the one thing though is that Lumen is a software based, GI technique so Lumen runs on your CPU and it's more proficient running it apparently on the CPU than on the GPU which is a bummer because satisfactory is very CPU intense as it is so adding Lumen on top of that, it's kind of annoying but that's not really the main reason why we're not going to use it as like being the default supported one so we're not gonna like have the game be designed for lumen in mind because we've already sort of shaded the game with the current shading model that we have, and also the fact that Lumen is a software-based renderer, which makes it very taxing and, we're going to talk a little bit also as to like what other issues come with Lumen because it's not all peaches, even if you have a good enough computer to handle it, but yeah essentially, Lumen calculates like how light bounces around it makes for a lot more like quote-unquote realistic, shading technique and I also have prepared a couple of like, example shots and just want to preface again That We're Not Gonna by default support Lumen and we're probably not going to spend I don't know if you're gonna spend any time but probably not too much time on like making sure the game works with lumen in mind
, but it is going to be there as an option in the options menu it's going to be there as a setting for like Global illumination and you can turn it on if you want to that's totally up to you and we're gonna check out what it actually looks like, so here is the default shading module I think this model this is the most obvious one I would say so it's mostly like obvious in the shadows, when you turn it on here's another one during Tusk this is the one that's a little bit trickier to see but you can see some of the detailed here on the ground, some of the Shadows look a bit more crisp here's one in the night at the night and this one is a little bit trickier to see the only way I really spot this one is the the the water there's another one it's the same photo, like essentially what it does is makes everything look more even even a little lit essentially and here's some of the footage from the video, with the most drastic change I would say with factories Photoshop, it's really cool though it looks it makes the game look better in a lot of cases but there's one major problem with it in the way that things are right now, and I'm just gonna jump straight to that so I have another video here demonstrating that so here's here's my little home I've made it myself, this is where I live in the factory I made it's running purely on, package liquid by a bill best fuel source, so this is with Lumen off right this is the default rendering, method that we have in the game looks like it's another home just look at it running around here looking around all right so now that we have that freshly mine here's Lumen on so you can you can tell that like I'm gonna pause here real quick so like if you check the building you can see that the with Lumen on it's like a little bit more evenly lit right it looks a bit more yeah evenly lit essential and that's all fine right it's more orange, yes it's like because it's like bouncing around light on itself the problem is when I walk in this is now what Interiors look like when it's closed off from the environment so the only light sources here really are from the benches and like the mams if I remove them it goes completely dark like this is what it looks like inside a factory and this this could be cool if this is the look you're going for but it kind of makes the game unplayable unless you have lights, you know installed, so this is really cool though like- I'm not gonna lie like this is so cool being able to like open it up like this and you get like this kind of shading, but yeah one this is really one of the drawbacks of the way that when we just slap Lumin on without applying like any kind of rendering on top of it it's just going to look like this, so you really need lights in your factory and this that's something I discovered when I was taking bits's Factory it's like without lights it just looks looks like this so but if I turn it on it looks awesome right it's just we have flashlight so also the flashlight doesn't really do much, the flashlight doesn't have that much like output, I was gonna demonstrate that in this in this video but unfortunately the flashlight doesn't work in the current version but one really cool thing though with Lumen that I kind of want to explain before I show this part is, is that Lumen takes everything and treats it as a light source which is not typically how lights work in games, so there's something called an emissive texture in in or emissive materials rather where what you usually do if you have like a computer monitor in a game you usually apply a emissive texture on like the screen because it's like it's lighting up by itself but emissive textures do not light up the environment this is you this is example for example the lights on some of the factory buildings are emissive textures they don't emit any light so they don't actually affect the environment when you place them around the world but in Lumen emissive so usually what you have to do is if you do that thing and you want to have like a middle light you have to put like the computer monitor you put an emissive material on the the screen and then you put a light source where you want the light to be emitted in the game so you actually have to it's kind of weird you have to cheat a little bit so like you put the light source you put an emissive texture which is essentially just when you're shading the game on the GPU it sees like oh this is an emissive text sure I should then ignore the general lighting coming from other light sources and just like render this as it is so it's like emissive textures aren't really or emissive materials aren't really rendered in the same way as other stuff is and that's why you can get that effect where it lights up even if you have like even the lights in our game they do that right so when you're looking at a light in our game there's an emissive material which is the light source or like the light that you're looking at which is purely white or whatever color you're shading it with and then we also have a light source like that is next to the which emits the light or whatever the cool thing with Lumen is that Lumen treats emissive materials at light sources, so let me jump back to the part of the video here where was it so here so the the signs we have in our game they are all emissive materials and in Lumen they actually emit light which gives you off this like cool effect now granted you can't really light like properly because it's only rendering like the the stuff around it it's not bouncing the light from you know the source onto like the wall behind it and stuff like that it's just the surface around it but it looks really cool, and then if you go full on stupid mode you can you could try and and light the entire scene with just signs, and then it would look like this and this is this is so dope this is incredibly cool and and this was like one of the the first things I did when I was when I was goofing around in real identify was like the first thing I did was just like slap on a missive material on a ball and just put in the scene and be like oh my God it actually lights up the, so that's really cool and that's sort of if you watch the footage of, bits Factory, if I go over here you can see like bits put down signs at the bottom here and they kind of like emit a little bit of light on the ground you can see it here, it also add like a little Bloom and stuff like that but they are affecting the scene more so than what they would have not would have, wait yeah they affect the scene essentially is what I'm trying to say, but we won't be supporting Lumen like fully efficiently so like will we ever make it so that it doesn't go completely horror game like this I don't know honestly I like that's the thing right this is going to be an optional thing this is not where we're going to put effort into it, because you really need to sort of, light your game with lumen in mind if you're gonna use Lumen and, since we're not doing that you know you can on your own but you will be able to have the option to turn it on if you want to it's going to be like one of those optional things maybe you'll just do it for when you're grabbing the screenshots or whatever and when you're playing the game you just play it off, the game does run a lot better without Lumen I mean yeah so so Lumen is not more GPU intensive because Lumen runs mostly on the CPU it's a it's a software based Ray tracing, technique or a collection of, software rendering techniques, so even if you have a monster of a GPU it still wouldn't make it any better unfortunately
, one more thing that I kind of wanted to talk about before we leave Lumina nanite is that or maybe this is a miscellaneous thing maybe I will get to that later actually never mind, so another thing Jace talked about in the video is virtual Shadow Maps which is just tldr it's like a way to make shadows more detailed and look better and it's more efficient and you can have higher resolution on Shadows, but that only means something if you know how Shadows are rendered with Shadow Maps, because there's a bunch of different techniques how you can render shadows and if you're using Shadow Maps then they there's a dependency of resolution and virtual Shadow Maps makes this a dashboard resolution is like more Dynamic but we're not using that and we probably won't use that but we'll see, cool that was Lumen and nanite, dope so let's move on and we're just we like we just touched on the first ballpoint or an hour in okay there's a reason why that video was 40 minutes okay, how Lumen works with vehicle lights Lumen will work the same way with vehicle lights as they will with regular light so so like this is the same deal we actually do emit like the regular way with with vehicles but Lumen will take the emissive material part of the vehicles as well and and do that stiff too like every light and every emissive material in the game will be the treated the same way inside and when you use the Lumen essentially, all right let's talk about the world partitioning system this is the biggest thing that ever has ever happened satisfactory this is like one of the main reasons why we changed, and the biggest reason isn't necessarily that like we fix hitches and stuff like that the biggest gain for us is how we work together on the game, multiple artists working on multiple parts of the map, it's it's a huge like working on the world that we are there's a huge undertaking and, and working collaboratively on on that stuff has been it's been a headache to be honest, I think I mean I'm not the one doing it but it's quite obvious that like it's it's it's rough and it's a huge world and, you know we're doing the best we can but adding the world partitioning system makes it so much more like easy for us to to check out and check in stuff as we're developing it, in our in our version control system and, yeah just working on the tiles themselves and be able to configure them a bit more granularly we've had a lot of tools made to be able to work on the world as it is, and now it's it's, it's very so so just to clarify a bit so the example is like if someone's working on the Glass lens and like previously somebody could be working on the grasslands and somebody could be working on the rocky the the rocky Forest I was like Rocky desert like because those two were split up but now it's it's way more granular so now so now two people can work on the grasslands at the same time so long so long as they're not touching the same parts or the actors rather on the grass fields, previously everything was like loaded into one sort of Chunk and now we can actually work on the smaller bits on that chunk instead we still have the chunks, but now we can Define them a little bit more and make them smaller and and make them make sense so for instance in the example with the Northern Forest that I have in the beginning here you notice how like not the entirety of the Northern Forest was loaded in that was not even possible in the world system, even though it doesn't look as good as it does right now but like like we didn't have that option before so now we do have that option and it makes it so we can actually adjust it more and we might even do the thing where like we tie it into I mean I say my I'm pretty sure we will but we might even have the thing where you know you can have a setting in your in your in the settings menu where like based on The View distance we load in less things so if you notice you're actually running into hitches you can reduce it and like adjusted more to your, out of your necessity, and stuff like that that will be possible, we don't have it right now but that will be a possibility so World petitioning system a huge deal, for us and like this goes from a lot of stuff here where right now we're just kind of catching up the projects and like migrating stuff to be using the new technology that's in Unreal Engine 5. so Jace mentions in the video that like you know performance hasn't been drastically improved actually is a bit worse than before in in some cases but now we're at the point where we can actually start like using a lot of the stuff that is available in animal London 5., and I'm really excited for the next couple of, hopefully commits because right now the game is really heavy loading in on in in the engine and, we'll we're going to be moving to like hopefully, loading and virtual texturing for the hlods which doesn't mean too much of anything that's the one thing I'm looking forward to now and I think that's what we're going to see a huge gain soon, but it's going to be better in the long run essentially it's going to prove the game for sure in the long run and that's sort of why we want to do it now rather than like after 1.0 or whatever because this is when this is the best moment really like this is the best opportunity we have to do it so, that's what we're doing so so I don't know if I need to talk too much about the world partitioning system, I think Jace covers I haven't seen too many questions on the world partition system I think people got that, stuff so there's not too much to clarify there, so check the video if you want to see more information about that stuff I guess I could show off again the, I have a video here, or I have a in the video we sort of showcase like how it would work, so so now instead of what how it used to work is you would pick a tile you would pick like three by four and it would load in like that segment but now you can like select like with the mouse like here I want to load this part and it loads that region and it's it's so cool it's it's so useful because if we move here a second I'm going to show you why this is really useful in a bit I think it's not this one what I think is the next one after that, no it is this one okay so if you check here this hill over here hasn't had the cliffs loaded in so like this looks really strange when you just look at it like this, but when I load in that portion of it in a second Boom the cliffs are in so like you can I think I hope this demonstrates this how like granular it is, yeah I used to be an oak tree exactly so super dope super dope, and then I keep going and just keep going load more it's also funny because the world partitioning system also functions like sort of in the engine in a bit so when you're moving around so we can actually load the entire map I don't know if that was really possible before because I think we ran out of space I think we ran out of vram when we did that before, I never did it so I don't know if I maybe it was possible to do it before but like when I'm in engine now I can actually load the entire world at the same time which is pretty cool how easy or hard was this feature to implement that I don't know, it wasn't oh no I don't want to watch him, it wasn't none of the stuff here was was like just push of a button I know that they said in the video just it just works that it did not it still doesn't work it still doesn't just work, not true but, a lot of stuff is sort of, sometimes we made custom engine edits and, if we touch too much of that it's an issue and I believe we had to like make some tools to be able to move the world over to to the current iteration, so yeah so yeah that's the world positioning system I don't think there was too much else I don't should I be taking questions while we're doing this stuff or should I save it for after I think I should be taking questions while we're doing this actually, that's that's a that's a baddie on me that's a baddie on my part because I realized if I save everything for the end we might not have time for questions and I really really want to spend this time on stream answering questions, questions so, yeah I'm gonna try and keep keep track of that more actually, the the world petitioning system will not affect drones so the way it works the way we've set it up is we have sort of two maps we have a persistent map and we have the stuff that you see like in the world that's sort of not tied to factory logic or tied to, pickups and stuff like that and not a nodes so we have a persistent level where all the nodes all the factory logic all the, the no I said the nodes, I believe the hard drive stuff like all the crash sites like a lot of the gameplay stuff are loaded in separately and we load in everything so no matter where you are on the map your factor is running no matter where you are we're not unloading the factory we're unloading, like the the meshes and we're not making them render and stuff like that and we're making I think we have like proxy models or proxy actors for those for all the factory related stuff so so like the logic will always run okay, it would be weird if like you unload a factory and then come back to nothing's happened, so and the Drone like routes all are all in that persistent level, so the world partition system doesn't touch that it just touches like what the environment looks like you know what models are loaded in what you're looking at and stuff like that,
, yes cool cool let's move on, and talk about TSR maybe we'll have time to have like a fully owned quick section but, I'll do my best we have so much to cover so TSR temporal, sampling resolution or super resolution I can't remember it's there's another upsampling technique that has a similar name but I think it's temporal's super resolution and I gotta check it, yeah super resolution so we'll talk about TSR which is temporal super resolution let's talk about FXAA which is a like, it's another anti-aliasing technique there's gonna be like four I think or three, different anti-aliasing techniques available in the game JS mentioned in the video I'm trying to find the notes here, foreign it's not in the notes that's annoying but yeah TSR tscr is used for being able to render lower like resolution and scale it up it's it's been historically very useful for when you're rendering the game in 4k because 4K is a lot more screen space than, then, then then regular 1080p, so it's been really useful but it's also useful even if you don't have like a machine that can render 1080 like you can still down scale it and scale it up typically these type of scaling techniques are usually better when you go like the higher the like the the higher the base value of a resolution obviously the better the final output is going to be so for instance when you're rendering from 1080 to 4K or 14 not 4K but the one before 1440p, when you're going from 1080 to 1440p usually the result is better than when you go from 720 to 1080 if that makes sense like because if the amount of the pixels and the way those techniques work, so it's like it's more useful for people when you're rendering from 1080 to 4K rather than going for like 720 to 1080. typically like in terms of fidelity of what you're looking at but it's still a really powerful technique, now one thing the kind of elephant I want to address in the room, that's kind of strange is historically I've already seen a couple of questions about dlss and I also want to mention, what's it FSR amd's version a lot of people asked us in the past if we're going to do dlss and FSR and in the past we've often said that we probably won't because we didn't see a significant improvements like we didn't see any significant Improvement when using dlss or FSR, with our game, but with TSR we are seeing that Improvement which is kind of strange and I don't really have a good answer as to why that is, there might be a couple of factors and maybe we if we test out dlss now maybe we'll we'll notice a better gain but the thing is you sort of have to, adjust your game based on these techniques because they work in very different ways TSR and dlss are they achieve the same thing but under the hood they work very differently dlss, has an issue as well where I believe it can bottleneck your CPU so that might be why we're seeing a difference in performance when using the LSS versus the TSR I don't know, I try to dig into like why we would be seeing that and I couldn't really get a like a consistent answer, but there was something about how dlss like if dlss can catch up it will bottleneck your CPU which will create this like a weird what you call it like Mexican standoff no, whereas TSR is a lot more like it's a lot easier on the CPU than dlss and FSR is, so out of the different techniques we found that TSR works the best I know that at least from my experience that I find that dlss is a bit better quality wise I think if you compare the two, but tscr is more performant it seems, and it's more lightweight on the CPU what it needs to do, so that's one aspect the other aspect like I mentioned here is that, you sort of have to they are two different techniques so you sort of have to like do a little bit of, special thing in the game to make them look good as well so one issue we had when we were testing out dlss was that all moving Parts all moving Factory Parts looked like garbage on dlss, so like all the arms animating when they're like you know moving and doing stuff on the factories all the stuff moving on the belts like that was completely broken as far as I know and it was a lot less work to get it working with TSR than it is to get it working with dlss, so I don't know if like in the future we're going to be supporting dlss or FSR but I think at the moment we're still not going to support the LSS or FSR because TSR kind of fills that Gap that a lot of people are after also TSR is supported on more gpus than both the LSS and FSR I know that dlss has gone back in in like being able to support older gpus because when we started looking into dlss it was like, it was only supported on
I can't remember when the later GTX like cards and there was such a small percentage of our player base that had like that could support dlss, so so it didn't really make much sense for us, whereas TSR is supported on all the cards that we support essentially I believe, epic adding native DLS support so I believe that's TSR I don't believe epic are adding native dls's support to real engine, because they made TSR I think they kind of like they kind of chose to go that route instead it is possible that they might like there is dls's support it's just you have to use a plug-in and I don't know if that's natively supported by unreal whereas TSR is natively supported like out of the box, it was not a tick box before no it was you actually had to import the plugin and stuff like that, so that's why we're going to ZR TSR I don't know if we're going to use dlss or FSR in the future, because we also need to put the network and we'd rather put in the work and other stuff and if you want to use those techniques CSR is there for you
, but we'll see we'll see, what else was there about this yeah, I can't remember what FXAA if it's just fidelity entailancing but it's it's it's like a faster entailancing technique and I'm actually quite surprised of how good it looks, I honestly prefer FXAA over TSR in a lot of cases but I'm testing it out, so I think yeah thank you fast approximate anti-lasing thank you that's what it is, I've when I've been using in capturing footage, I was I was bouncing a lot back and forth between TSR and FXAA and I just found that FSA fxia creates less artifacts, because that's it's still going to be an issue in TSR when you're using it it's still gonna be like artifacting, there's a couple of instances where if you have like you know the outline around containers and stuff like that if you're very close to objects and you have TSR like a high amount of TSR like if you're running say 60 of the screen or whatever and you're moving the camera around sporadically there's going to be like white lines all over the screen which I find a bit annoying, there's also stuff with the Sky Box I don't know if that's something we need to work more on like supporting wise but same thing if you look back and forth in the sky the clouds look really strange and stuff like that, so so yeah it a lot of times when I've used FXAA I've I've found to get better results than using TSR but I think whenever it comes to this kind of stuff in general it depends on the circumstance so like maybe in some some cases FXAA is better and in some cases trsr is better at other ways depending on situation and that's really how it is with, a lot of these type of, any rendering technique really, but yeah I don't remember which ones we're going to support at the moment because it's not here in the, oh I've just found in the notes here it is, I think it's CSR nfxaa there might be support for what's the the the we have a default one right now that's still going to be there of course but now there are more options for anti-aliasing essentially, cool I think we're gonna move on here unless there's any specific questions about this that I haven't brought up, I'm getting a little bit of support here like there's a pain in the asset set of FSR dlss yes, I don't think if I'm pretty sure we had to do something to get TSR working with the game because we it's still the issue you still need to like if you have moving meshes you need to do something special with them to be able to get them to render properly than TSR so there's been a bit of, work but into that
, ta can have nasty Go sing and blurs yeah so that that's the thing because I found better I found well at least in the situations when I was testing I found better support like I found it to look better with FXAA than TAA which shouldn't be the case it should be the other around, so it's like it's faster and it looks better at least when I was testing maybe I needed to run around more factories and stuff because I was mostly running around in the environment but, yeah yeah sea fighting is nothing it doesn't has nothing to do with it although you can if there can be circumstances where when there's a lot of Z fighting in you and you're upscaling it, the sea fighting is going to be less pronounced when the well it depends because it depend on angle and stuff like that the Cami cases where Z fighting is less pronounced in lower resolutions and then you're upscaling that, but you might instead end up with a lot more artifacting, so it might look you know it it's like up for debate whether it looks better or not, but yeah cool let's move on, because we're running out of time holy chaos physics yo chaos, the vehicle changes are so dope, they are hella broken right now, like parts of the vehicle overhaul is so much better and part of it is so much broker right now but that's because we're moving over into the chaos engine like driving around in vehicles and, and all this stuff feels so much better now, the only issue is like all the automation with vehicles so like when we're simulating stuff there's there's some Yankee going on at the moment janky going on the moment I hope we can iron all that stuff out before we release, update but, but the yo so stoked to be able to drive around on foundations and stuff like that that's like one of the biggest really like reasons why we wanted to move, using Unreal Engine 5 because we knew we needed to rework the physics for the vehicles, and we sort of put it on pause because we were like maybe we'll move to Upper Arlington five and then we could do it there, so like changing the vehicle physics was like the first thing we started looking into when we were contemplating movement 2005. because that that was where like the biggest gain initially we thought we also realized that the world partition system was quite big but initially we really we were like so stoked about the fact that like the maybe the vehicle system will work so much better and the physics are much better, I haven't tested it like an insane amount but I have been driving around on the map a lot and there's still like a few cases where there might be cases where like why did the vehicle just bounce around like that, but if I compare it to like how it is now it's like it's you know it's still less amount than it was now there's been a couple of cases where like I'm driving up on like nodes like ore nodes and instead of it being like you know acting on on where the wheels on it it's still like it flips so that's kind of strange but maybe it does that now, there's a physics update affect how stable or janky vehicles are in multiplayer, see that's a good question I actually don't know at the moment because there's undoubtedly aspects of it that we need to like not only change how the physics work for the vehicles for the game itself but also like how all that multiplayer support will be, I actually don't know I haven't tested that actually, but if anything you know I think it will be better in multiplayer but you might still have like the it's like so here's the thing right because it's kind of there's two aspects of it there's you have the vehicle's physics as they are and then you also have like the the the networking physics simulation that's going on because the way it works is the way it doesn't work is you have a server and you have a client the server is telling the client like hey you're driving a car and cars over here and then their service like simulating what's going on like it's not possible to do that because you would need to send, because most often physics operate on like a lower tick rate than what the game is updating to be able to simulate what happens between the ticks so to speak, because the game if you're running the game in like 60 FPS it's not it's not tied to FPS actually never mind that but imagine in the beginning running the game at 66 UH 60 hertz, they might that might not be granular enough to be able to get like proper assimilation on Wheels because there might be stuff happening between the frames or the ticks, where you need to like know what actually happened and it's not really possible for a server to be able to send you that information because it needs to so much data so what we're doing is we're simulating the physics on clients and then the server is like making sure that we're where we're supposed to be and if we're not where we're supposed to be it will, I don't know if we're rolling back or if we're use if we're using rollback or if we're using some other technique because it can be there's there's plenty of ways to solve that problem and it's a huge problem, but it will sort of adjust to make sure that we're in where we're supposed to be but before we simulated the physics this was janky as in our game, it was so broken I'm so glad we did that I think we did that for update four or five that was quite a while ago, where we started simulating vehicles on clients and made the game so much better using vehicles on clients but they're still like they can still be issues where clients don't match up, so so changing the physics to use chaos shouldn't affect that portion of the game so to speak so like the simulation aspect of like whatever physics engine you're using that will still sort of be its own problem if that makes sense that's the problem that we have semi-solved, and now we're applying a new physics engine on top of that but it's it's the same physics engine, so yeah foreign
don't I don't think Halo uses roll you use rollback I think Halo just like warped you you just moved you to where I think there was like, it had like a granularity of like if you're too far off where you're supposed to be or something like that it would move you back, I don't know because it kind of depends like some games don't really need rollback I don't think we have rollback I think we just warp you as well because rollback is when you keep track of like where the client thinks it is and when the server knows it is and then when there's a mismatch the server will ask the client to go back in time and then reapply the same input from the player, I don't think we're doing that because we don't really need that Fidelity I think we just move you to where you're supposed to be and then be like all right and then you're in this vector and you have this velocity but I don't know I actually haven't worked on that system too much it just worked back yeah that's what I thought because when you're using a rollback usually it's tied to like play your input as the main buffer, that you're sending data, so he would know what what you were doing in between as well when you're doing roll back and it's it's a lot more work getting rollback working than just like moving you back, but I wouldn't be surprised actually if Halo was using a rollback for because it is a fast maybe on the later Halos for sure because it is a faster like shooter, Call of Duty use this rollback I know they have like their own special magic, word like guesses what's gonna happen player input wise it's it's so it's so weird that is like actual magic, cool that's physics I don't know if I need to talk too much yeah no I do have to talk about one thing because I have a lot of questions about, hyper like the other physics because we only talk about vehicle physics because all the fixes in the game are going to change player of physics is Gonna Change and I've gotten a lot of questions of whether or not hypertube cannons will work in the same manner or if if whatever, and yeah so player input wise we're using the Unreal Engine like player movement, logic so that has already been like ported by epic so we haven't done anything special there we're just using the system that they have and that has been migrated to using chaos so like we're out of the woods for player movement and stuff like that but we have a little bit of like special logic when it comes to, hypertubes and for the most part if you don't have like any advanced kind of physics it like just migrating should just work in a real engine but here's the thing when I've been testing the hyper2 canons actually don't work at the moment, they're kind of broken but hypertubes seem to work which puts us in a very strange position right now, wait wait wait don't don't freak out yet okay because that puts us in a pretty strange position because we kind of like that feature, so I talked to Mark about this so we have like internally decided that hyperdube cannons is going to be like an official feature like we are gonna we're gonna support hypertube cannons, so we're gonna have to fix that book to make it work, it's like it's it's such a strange situation to be in because like that's hypertube canons historically was not intentional hyperduke candidates were sort of like discovered by community and we were like oh that's a cool bug let's not remove it you know let's keep it but now we're in a situation where it kind of It kind of doesn't work anymore like because of the physics change and yeah like I mentioned we we kind of view that as like a core feature now, or a feature even though it wasn't an intended feature we kind of see it as like we we don't want to remove that anymore, so we're gonna try and fix hyperdube cannons hyperdube cannons might not work exactly the same way as they did before it's a similar type of problem with like the vehicles just mentioned the vehicle in the video where you know it's gonna pretty much be the same thing but it might be you know some slight change here or there, because it's really hard for us it's really hard in general to like be able to like replicate in one physics engine exactly how it works the different one, so like if you had us if you tune your hypertube cannons in a very particular way, after update we hope that they will still function but there you might need to like adjust them a little bit or something like that maybe they'll be less powered or maybe it'll be more powered or something like that I don't know I think the goal is to have it so that they pretty much work the same way as they did before that's the goal at least, but I just wanted to like be transparent about that and explain the situation, because- I sort of discovered this when I was testing that, some of the hypertube Cannons that I'd set up just didn't work and, yeah that's that's a bummer what about slide jumping so slide jumping was one of those cases where we sort of got that automatically because epic, when they merged when they, when they Implement a chaos physics they sort of took the player controller and applied it in similar fashion has to work right now so the slide jumping and stuff like that pretty much work the same way as before I haven't tested on running on on conveyor belts hmm there's probably a bunch of stuff we haven't tested yet when it comes to physics but, the goal really is like all that stuff is to be able to reach the same point as it is with the current physics engine and, and yeah the hyperdube cannon functionality I guess it's gonna be official I guess I don't like it I don't like that it's an official thing but that is definitely something we don't want to rob you guys up and, yeah just you guys know confirmed yes that is the goal all right let's talk about audio, because I don't think there was any question left on chaos I can Circle back on this if there's time, but this this I don't have too much to talk about audio the only thing I want to mention is that we're not using epics like new meta system or what it's called we're still using V wise which is probably going to be- I believe for the mod creators they're going to be annoyed to hear this, and and we're also partially annoyed because V wise isn't super easy to use and we also have needed to make like we needed to make like a bunch of f special stuff for realize but it like we have put so much work into Google so I think that's mainly the reason why we we probably will not use anything else,
but, I'm just checking yeah there there will be like a couple of audio changes though in the game, there's new additions for audio there's, more like detail for audio in a lot of aspects, we talked about in the video the vehicles have like simulated audio for the wheels and stuff like that, there's there's audio for stuff that didn't exist before until now, and stuff like that but I think you guys are gonna probably gonna notice that when you're playing the South I don't know if I should list things, but but in regards to like unrelenting Aid I don't know eight unrelated in a five for update 8., we're not using meta sounds we're using the the good all vys, so yes I don't know if there's too much more to talk about so so I have just a miscellaneous note here, this bunch of stuff one really important thing I want to talk about is Hardware requirements because this was probably one of the I don't know why I saved this for Last In The Stream because this is actually one of the biggest topics that I've seen people talk about after the video was released is that a lot of people were worried that, they won't be able to play the game anymore because we had to upgrade the, we released like a preliminary new minimum specs which was the GTX 1650 four core CPU and kicks RAM and an SSD because of how nanite works and I just want to mention really quickly that like let's see here like all the footage you've seen here when I was doing the thing like maybe this is a better one like all your footage you're seeing here this was captured on a 1080., now granted 1080 isn't is still one step I believe after 1650., but I think my point is that don't don't like buy new hardware before you've tried it out, because yeah buy a 1080. it doesn't run great on a 1080 though I'll tell you that much I'm getting like I'm getting consistently 30 FPS, with Lumen on I should mine, ad by the way, and but like I've played the game a lot on my machine at home and, I mean it works what's wrong with 30fps Andrew get the hell out, I mean it works like it you can play the game fine on older graphics card, granted I don't have a massive factory but I you know I've I'm at tier five or six and it runs pretty smooth, so when it comes to the hardware requirements for the game don't get too like choked up on it I actually don't know how we've determined these specs either it's possible that we just followed like one of the one of the guidelines from from a real engine where like yeah they're like oh if you're making out on Engine 5 game then you you need to have at least this might be the case that like they're anticipating that you're gonna be using a lot of lumen or or you know a lot of the techniques or whatever, a lot of nanite stuff like that it's but we're not really using all that new stuff, I guess so I mean the only thing really is that I the goal really is to support direct like DirectX 12 is the default renderer for us, so so any GPU that has support for G for DirectX 12 you know will be able to run the game so yeah try it out at least before you before you start buying like a bunch of stuff I have DTX 10 1060. like that's the thing I think the game will run, I think it's Famous Last Words, but I don't know I don't know 1060 and 1080 were a big leap maybe I don't know but, do consider not like be to work we'll see when the update launches that's when we get whether or not we've we've made a big leap, but it's it's sort of like the way the story goes like the cooker crumbles in a way because we are using a lot of techniques that will make the game better and and you know we are moving forward in time and and a lot of stuff is getting deprecated, like we drop support for Windows 7 because Microsoft drops supported it one of the reasons why we dropped support for the current GTA like the GTX 770 on the website was because that card is no longer supported so there's no point in us saying that we are going to support it, so really if you have any GPU that can use DirectX 12., should run but I don't know I don't know it's It's Tricky defining like minimum specs is so hard like what does that mean because in the world of computers there's so many factors that can play into it, so I don't know so Panic once we release it then then we can talk but, definitely a case of RAM on on like when you can be like holy you need that, God damn so yes, let's see and then we mentioned DirectX 11 the next DirectX 11 is still somewhat supported but we really want people to move over to DirectX 12., because that's that's the target for us, DirectX 12 is the target API rendering API one where like optimize in the game, Vulcan yeah Vulcan is like second but Vulcan isn't something like Vulcan is in this weird state where there's it's it's it's like Vulcan isn't fully supported anywhere, it's like a very promising rendering API but similar like to opengl you know Vulcan is still in development and, some some would even consider Vulcan to be an early access you know in a way, yeah it's infantile stage yeah exactly so like and then Vulcan by itself is still kind of in a work in progress and then you have the walk and support and unreal on top of that, so but we still prefer Vulcan over DirectX 11. I'll say that much like if if you're gonna try another if you if it doesn't work in DirectX 12, then Vulcan is the next best thing really, and last is DirectX 11., so yeah I think I've caught most of the, I've talked about this the topics where I saw a lot of confusion from people, not a lot but like where I saw confusion, protect the hardware it talks about Lumen talked about, yeah this is just this is essentially the Q a section if you have any specific questions about the the stuff I didn't talk about the input system input system it's an import system you guys won't really notice like it's not something you guys can take advantage of it's just like something for us to take advantage of,