February 11th, 2025 Livestream Mikael & Hannah Talk: Mid-floor move

February 11th, 2025 Livestream

Mikael & Hannah Talk: Mid-floor move


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-oJ6fTWh33Pg">[https://youtu.be/oJ6fTWh33Pg YouTube - February 11th, 2025 Livestream - Mikael & Hannah Talk: Mid-floor move]</ref>



before we move on with the Q&A I'll just throw in a little, reminder slote for people who are just tuning in to today's stream in that, as you may have noticed on our backgrounds, we are currently, mid I'd say I'll still say mid moving the entire CM office SL streaming setup to an entirely new floor all together in the office for various reasons, that will all pay off in the end, but that does mean that on top of sound issues which we always have and we had them even when snoot was here don't try that I know that it was not perfect before he left I swear to God, we are experimenting, a bit with having both people in the same room which we hope can be the thing in the future, the mics are different in just how they behave, and so that means that there might be Echo coming because everything is not perfectly fine- tuned yet so when I speak Hannah Mike over there might actually pick up my voice a bit and, Hannah's voice likewise might be picked up in my mic when she speaks, we're aware of this and we are going to be ironing these Kinks out as the weeks pass by days hopefully, as well as ordering more proper mics for this kind of setup, but we are aware that there might be some slight Echo issues and we hope you can just bear with us for this one stream maybe maybe one more after this, but I am trying to nudge decibels as the stream mov moves forwards as the stream moves forwards just to, soften it up out and also, Hannah started earlier and I also started doing it now, we're both just trying to mute our mics when the other one speaks briefly so that we can avoid like the worst of the echo so, yeah just a little PSA again about that sorry for any audio issues on the echo part but that is actively being worked on because of an overall office move that's where that's at it ain't perfect but it works mostly Yes again though I love this new room super cozy it's it's nice it's better