June 22nd, 2021 Livestream Q&A: How does it feel putting in all these little details but a lot of people won't notice?

June 22nd, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: How does it feel putting in all these little details but a lot of people won't notice?


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Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-o25NL-ovrYk">[https://youtu.be/o25NL-ovrYk YouTube - June 22nd, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: How does it feel putting in all these little details but a lot of people won't notice?]</ref>



it's crazy this level of, of detail and and I and I get the feeling that a lot of people won't pick up on all these little bits of details but they probably feel it coming through like they feel feel it coming across but like how does it feel going into this much research and putting all these little details but then like a lot of people weren't pointed out to themselves does that bother you at all or is it just kind of like that's how it is what's up, no the thing is the thing is that, yeah you go a lot into details I mean, you discuss details that most people will probably not care about, but that's that's not but I think you still you there's a lot of things the the amount of work that you put in there, it's got to be reasonable amount of work when you look at the production picture of course but, it's still worth it because you can still feel it, and there's there's a really interesting quote from from from peter jackson, who's obviously a complete nerd about what he does it's pretty funny that he he mentioned like there was there was a chest he showed like a chest that was made and the little, the little screws and balls on the chest they had like patterns on them, and some metal worker put little patterns on it and it was in the background somewhere in, in bilbo's home and then in in an interview they asked like but do you even see details like that and he said yeah probably not maybe it's off camera but I don't care because even if it's off camera it's still, you can still feel it and if people don't see it it still influences the actors and everybody on set and everybody gets more yeah involved with it yeah that's true yeah so, and I totally get that, but again it's a thin line do not go crazy about stuff that nobody will ever see but also you should care so it's like if you don't if it's not there you can't miss it so- I see what you mean with the feel thing it's it's it's like the bass player it's like the bass player and I play bass I can poke joking it's fine it's fine you miss it when it's gone yeah all right yeah for sure