November 22nd, 2022 Livestream Q&A: You said we're never getting Pipes yet we got Pipes. When are we getting Base Defense?

November 22nd, 2022 Livestream

Q&A: You said we're never getting Pipes yet we got Pipes. When are we getting Base Defense?

This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: February 13th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Are there any plans on a looming & growing threat in the world like in Factorio?

This question has 5 related topics
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-nYL4xlSiPpU">[ YouTube - November 22nd, 2022 Livestream - Q&A: You said we're never getting Pipes yet we got Pipes. When are we getting Base Defense?]</ref>



well speaking of game modes this leads onto the X this that's a bit me anyway Shogun a buddy from RuneScape developer over there, you once said that we're never getting pipes yeah we got pipes so when are we getting base defense by the same logic well you gain mode based defense game game mode, also we said you wouldn't get drones and you got drones we said you wouldn't get blueprints you got blueprints, but no no base defense for real for real, yeah no this is how I get trust issues yeah we never said we weren't gonna have blueprints though or did we no- I don't I think, I don't think we ever hard committed to not doing it yeah I think we I think we were we were in the early days we had we had the state of no we don't think we want it, but we'll you know it's a thing that we'll keep returning to and reconsidering I will tell you guys though when we decided like we're gonna do pipes we we actually decided that like a bit oh like we we committed to that for a while we had to keep that secret for a long time get the secret from me I think you're like a [ __ ] doofus, but for blueprints that was a late decision that was not something that we were considering like we were considering it for a long time sure but like the decisions like let's do blueprints that came like like June this year I think yeah it was after it was after I went on break yeah it was I was it was like right it was right before vacation I think we were like should we do blueprints yeah let's do blueprints if it works actually, I asked you directly about the particle accelerator you told me to guess no way no shot less than a good one