November 21st, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Can you talk about your philosophy for the game post-1.0?

November 21st, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: Can you talk about your philosophy for the game post-1.0?

This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: March 5th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Do you have a plan for when is DLC coming out?

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can you talk about your philosophy for the game, post 1.0 so I can't really and that's not because I don't want to talk about it it's because well I can sort of give you the the rundown of the state as it is right now but that's probably going to change, that's the thing that's sort of why we've never posted a road map for the game, that's sort of we've always been whenever we've made updates for the game we've always been like let's look at where we are right now how are things right now what did we just Implement what's sort of the community reaction to whatever we just implemented and then based on that we look further we look in the future and be like okay this is what we're going to focus on now, and it's really hard to do that for 1.0 because we don't at the moment know what 1.0 is going to look like like what features are going to be in 1.0, you know what systems are in place, etc etc because of various reasons, we also don't know if, like how much time it's going to spend on satisfactory if if like we we don't know if we're going to keep work on satisfactory or if we're going to work on something else, or if it's going to be like a weird split or something like that that's that's also a huge aspect to that so like at the moment it's a bit fuzzy as to like exactly what will happen post 1.0 we do have a lot of ideas that could be done for satisfactory post 1.0, based on like you know sort of things that we see today but I think I think it's going to be case of like I think we're going to let you guys know more when we're like when we release the game to to see what we do, and that's sort of how we've always been we've always been sort of like agile in that sense that like we we don't want to like commit to something, unless it makes sense for us at the time, and, whether our post 1.0 sort of philosophy is like you know Norman Sky style style where we focus on you know making the game better and add more things to the game and like make the base game as good as possible and we get sales from like people just wanting to get into satisfactory because they say oh it keeps growing and keeps getting better, or if we do like the DLC route where like maybe we'll focus on something new for satisfactory and add it to the game that's not you know doesn't affect the base game or like some separate solution we don't know at this point we actually don't know and I think it's kind of good that we keep it open because, it you know we might get when we get to the point where we finally have the finished product like 1.0 you know a lot of things can have changed to that point, and it could be like could be 50 years from now God I hope not, but you know what I mean like we're in Early Access we try to take things one thing at a time, we we would like to you know finish the game not for the sake of finishing the game you know like make a good product essentially blah blah blah, and all things considered we haven't been in Early Access that long really, it might feel like we've been in Early Access for a long time but all things considered you know there are other Early Access games that have been in Early Access for way longer than we have I think Victoria was in Early Access for eight years I think, which is was it eight years somebody probably knows this vectorial voral ear Cris time, Star Citizen is is another common one, 2016 and it came out, 2020 so okay so not not8 years I'm thinking of some other game it feels like eight years, what was the point of this yeah so like we'll we'll see sort of what happens, when we get to that point cool