November 9th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Can you explain how the Dedicated Servers will work?

November 9th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Can you explain how the Dedicated Servers will work?

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can you explain how the data killers will work well I can explain how the decisions do work because they're out they're available, and no I can't because I don't know best place to go is the dedicated server wiki, sorry the satisfactory wiki with the dedicated servers page that has like most of the information how to set it up, and I can't talk too much about like what's coming in terms of like features for dedicated servers because I have no idea, and we don't like we don't have a road map or anything like that of what we want to do, it's just gonna like happen as we develop things so, you're just gonna like be in for a happy treat and just to re-emphasize that we talked about before so dedicated servers are on their own track okay they're not part of like the update 5 release, so they're kind of like working in parallel with everything else so don't expect dedicated servers to be like done or like not in an experimental state when update five hits early access, because they're not gonna be you know like in a stable state like they're still gonna be experimental as hell, just because we're working on them in two separate tracks the reason why dedicated servers become became like a release part of update five was because we couldn't release dedicated servers earlier than update five because we were using the same like, development branch, for dedicated servers that we did for update five which meant that we had to like if we were to release that exercise earlier then we'd have to like strip out a bunch of stuff, and that would just add a ton of extra work for us so we opted to release them as early as we could which was in conjunction with like update 5 release so, that's that's sort of the story of that but but like I said before there's not going to be like there's not going to be like a when update 5 hits early access dedicated servers won't hit early access like they're gonna be we're gonna sync the versions of course but they'll probably live on their own so to speak so yeah that's the state of that, and yeah