December 5th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Sign Zooping?

December 5th, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: Sign Zooping?

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sign zoing- I feel the same way honestly when I play and I play signs it's so frustrating that you can't zo them, and the thing is now that signs have been optimized, I wonder if if there's a reason cuz like a lot of I'm going to be honest a lot of times when we limit building it's mostly due to, to the object limit and like making sure that people don't go way overboard people still go way overboard but at least the game has some some system to like you know keep you guys sane, but like I wonder if we still need the sign like the limit on signs anymore and if we can just let people zo with them, it's always possible the thing is like there always possible that like when we do Implement something like like if we Implement zoing for signs like that could end up being the case where oh wait it's building when your zo science they cause like some other issue they really realize until you do that, but man that that would be dope at least you can technically put them in a blueprint and do a row of them that's how I did the, the sign for update 8 in the patas video I created like a generic like row, of signs so I didn't have to like go and build every single one of them but I still need to do a lot of manual labor I'll send you a save and sence it I think we actually used your old save we did have science before when we were profiling it we have we have some nutty saves for profiling I'll tell you that much so yeah