March 24th, 2020 Livestream Q&A: How high is Multiplayer bugfixing on the priority list?

March 24th, 2020 Livestream

Q&A: How high is Multiplayer bugfixing on the priority list?

This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: June 27th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: When are Multiplayer bugs going to be addressed?

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-mvSWBd42JYM">[ YouTube - March 24th, 2020 Livestream - Q&A: How high is Multiplayer bugfixing on the priority list?]</ref>



how high is the multiplayer bug fixing prior to list so bug fix is something that we've been doing all the time it's it's, it's going on in the background I think we want to focus a bit more on it now I'm hoping I'm like urging for it, but it's it's ongoing it's like always happening same thing with optimization optimization is also happening every single patch you get there's some optimization work that goes into it it's not something that we're like saving up on and then like releasing at some point it's always happening, so which also means that you may not like notice big changes like I think a big exception was when we did the parallelization update where you actually saw a huge performance leap, I don't like I don't know if we have a lot of low hanging fruit like that, we do have a bit of it on network but those are also big tasks but, we're constantly working on that, so yeah that's that's the jingle jangle