April 30th, 2020 Dev Vlog Simon & Jace Talk: VFX for Nobelisk explosion

April 30th, 2020 Dev Vlog

Simon & Jace Talk: VFX for Nobelisk explosion


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-mci92Mhr7MM,235.96906666666666,425.240567">[https://youtube.com/embed/mci92Mhr7MM?autoplay=1&start=235&end=426 YouTube - April 30th, 2020 Dev Vlog - Simon & Jace Talk: VFX for Nobelisk explosion]</ref>



alright so let's take a look huh yeah I can what are you showing us first I've prepared some things okay I'm gonna show you an explosion from the noblest better run of thing yes everybody loves them me too so this is how it looks like this if I play it yeah so if you this is how it looks for me like when I'm working with it so I have all these things here is different emitters that spawn sprites particle sprites and you can like add textures to them or color and change all these parameters but I can we can I break it down or something so yeah sure sure sure if you can see this this is like if you can see the debrief eying around and then to this I add sparks suggests you add it in steps right so I have a Forex sparks of debris Sparks and debris so far and I can't really say this but this is a light so if it were closer to ground it would lift up the ground as well okay and then we have a dome so it gives this so cool thing around there you can't really like see it if you look at the effects like altogether but it's there and it makes it helps just make the whole thing come together and then I'm adding some fire this is some fire to it and this is like a fire see if I can show you this it looks like this it's a it's a sprite sheet right oh yeah yeah yeah so and and this and these sprite sheets I make in another software called Houdini so I just make a simulation of it and make a texture of it and what is the spreadsheet is I can I can show you again I can do this boom this okay so what is the purpose of it so this is animation so it's like rendered animation so it will the sprite on the on the particle system so it will play through this animation from okay this part should we just go like this over just every frame of the animation yeah exactly so I had that but I just bumped up the color so you can't see the smoke in it and it yeah does this thing and then I added so the fire spawns another fire so it has even more but I am like that and then you just add some smoke to it so it's like yeah like this and together with sound and like the camera shake it's it's really cool it helps sell the effect even more right so yeah so that's it's it's kind of dynamic yeah like it's not the same every time no exactly so it has like different velocity and like it's but it has a chance to spawn in a different area in within like a sphere or something like that so it's it's different every time just click it yeah cool yeah so that's that's one effect I guess that this is what I think most people think of when I think about V fix like explosions and right stuff like that yeah yeah but there's there's one thing that I want to show you that the money