November 22nd, 2022 Livestream Q&A: Will there be a blank Tape to add your own music?

November 22nd, 2022 Livestream

Q&A: Will there be a blank Tape to add your own music?

This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: October 17th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Can we make custom Tapes without using a Mod?

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-mN75Rl6Od_E">[ YouTube - November 22nd, 2022 Livestream - Q&A: Will there be a blank Tape to add your own music?]</ref>



a little bit blank tape to add your own music sure I think it would be I think it would be pretty cool to add your music it says some like licensing licensing issue or something, maybe I'm not sure I'm not sure like if we add the capability for people to put whatever music they want in the game is that a problematic thing or not yeah because like when they could just be playing it in Spotify in the background anyway I don't yeah no I feel like it shouldn't be an issue but I also don't know if like there's some dumb like yeah no, actually if there's a possibility for our songs to play this game some big music industry lawyer will come down yeah and get mad about something that doesn't matter and then we lose everything audio surf allows any music to be played but do they have what is that for starters it's a game or Essie yeah maybe, and I mean there's like, we think like beat saber and like that right when people put yeah right like any music yeah it's like you don't I'm assuming as long as you don't distribute the songs because that's the whole thing with copyright is that you're you're Distributing a copy of it like I don't know it's probably fine yeah I don't know I think I think it makes sense I think it would be really good yeah but then you're gonna make key art and stuff like that put it in the because you get it recorded on the cassette tape man that's how you do it you that's how you do it okay oh actually yes so you start up Spotify and you play the song and then you boot up the cassettes you record on the cassette and then you have it at the same time yep or what oh man it would be really cool if like we have to add voice chat in the game because then we can have it pick up the voice chat for that as well yeah it's like show up I'm recording you and your friends can all sing Bohemian Rhapsody together yes and you'll all be out of time because of the latency and then you just play that over there that's perfect inbox yeah literal piracy in the game yeah yeah exactly oh that's genius make your mixtape exactly oh love it