March 17th, 2021 Satisfactory Update 4 Patch Notes vid commentary Snutt & Jace Talk: Log colour footage & colour grading

March 17th, 2021 Satisfactory Update 4 Patch Notes vid commentary

Snutt & Jace Talk: Log colour footage & colour grading

Clips from the commentary for the Satisfactory Update 4 Patch Notes ( were taken from Jace's personal Twitch stream:

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-m5V9w8NqWgA">[ YouTube - March 17th, 2021 Satisfactory Update 4 Patch Notes vid commentary - Snutt & Jace Talk: Log colour footage & colour grading]</ref>



but- I had to learn this is also by the way what log footage looked like, yeah so it looks like it looks kind of it looks kind of washed out washed out right it does it does yeah but, it it carries more color information that you can then work with later when you color grade exactly, I'll have probably a better example because here I can turn off the, the grading layer so yeah so this is what the footage looks like out of the camera and then I add my color grade on top of that and then the the way I do too is first I add something that's called rec 709 color grade where it's like kind of even throughout the all the shooting, we also use like a color shard to make sure that the colors match in all the rooms there are some shots where we forgot to film that and I think it's pretty obvious like that the color grade like doesn't match the rest of the footage a color shard by the way is like like a physical object you can hold that has a bunch of colors on it you hold it up in front of the camera and you can use that as a reference between each shot I think I have it I think I have it over here in this yeah here's here it is here's what it looks like there's a color shard yeah yeah, and, and it just helps grading so much, wait wait is it not a shard is it a chart it's a chart oh you said chart I th and I thought I thought you said shard oh no no chart you charted that I just sharded a little bit [ __ ] damage swedes I swear to god all of you yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] call a shark no shark chart like a map listen listen shot all right chill out shout