June 25th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Does the video on Recipe changes include all the 1.0 changes?

June 25th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Does the video on Recipe changes include all the 1.0 changes?


This question has 8 related videos
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-m45XOkgKgdE">[https://youtu.be/m45XOkgKgdE YouTube - June 25th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Does the video on Recipe changes include all the 1.0 changes?]</ref>



does the video on recipe updates include all changes excluding all recipes or, more drop before release so it does not contain all the changes it's really tricky to, at least for the video it's really hard for us to like nail down like okay how much do we actually say cuz we were thinking of just like dropping like here they all all the changes all recipes as well, and the the tricky thing with this video was to make it clear, what's going on so like me talking about these changes is like that's one thing but we also felt like like that's not going to be clear enough we need like a ton of Graphics to to to explain all this stuff, and a lot of work was put into like making those like maps and the nodes and and whatnot, and the recipes in particular that's something that we felt that like, we should probably talk about the major hitters which were, heav modor frames computers and, incase industrial beams but there are more changes as well and we might release like a like a graph or something with some of these recipe changes and include some of these things that we don't mention in the video, because there are more changes to recipes, but, for the for this video, we focused on like The Heavy Hitters and like the, the ones that we think will affect most early game so to speak, so that's the state of that