February 18th, 2025 Livestream
Q&A: Are there new systems/functions/features being worked on for 1.1 and beyond?
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<ref name="yt-lgBuly4MWRM">[https://youtu.be/lgBuly4MWRM YouTube - February 18th, 2025 Livestream - Q&A: Are there new systems/functions/features being worked on for 1.1 and beyond?]</ref>
without revealing your hand as to what, it might be if it exists are there new systems functions features that are actively being worked on for deployment in 1.1 or Beyond or are you just in bug fix optimization mode, to partly answer this question for 1.1 specifically I believe we do have everything nailed down that is going to be in the patch and we are just working on implementing and, you know you know making and implementing that stuff right now, I obviously can't talk too much about stuff that you know in terms of systems functions features that exist and will be provided in the future in terms of specifics but I would be very surprised if we don't have anything new in terms of either of those going down the line because the game is, not done yet that's what I'm sure I mean it's it's kind of done but there's a lot we can still do with it oh yeah I mean yeah 1.0 is yeah like actual complete released version but it can still expand from here yes for sure