February 18th, 2025 Livestream
Q&A: Does Hannah have a lot of back & forth with 3D Artists?
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<ref name="yt-ldi0RY8Wnag">[https://youtu.be/ldi0RY8Wnag YouTube - February 18th, 2025 Livestream - Q&A: Does Hannah have a lot of back & forth with 3D Artists?]</ref>
do I have a lot of back and forth with 3D artists or is it take their stuff and populate the world it's it's both, we we had already a pretty good kind of like asset Library going but whenever we were making like a new area, it this would be sort of like in consultation and in collaboration with like the art team and the art director of like what new asset do we need what size do they need to be kind of type color like all of that, and then once once sort of the assets are made I just throw them out all over the map where I need them to be so it is a bunch of back and forth because also sometimes we deploy them and then we realize like oh this actually needed to be bigger or oh we need like a new variation of this, because we're using it like in a way that we weren't quite expecting so it is it is kind of a constant back and forth ideally yeah