February 9th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Will Jace & Snutt ever swap hats?

February 9th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Will Jace & Snutt ever swap hats?


This question has 3 related videos
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-lUszjzA7Rpc">[https://youtu.be/lUszjzA7Rpc YouTube - February 9th, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: Will Jace & Snutt ever swap hats?]</ref>



you have to you have to give me your I don't know what he's planning right now all right you gotta you gotta count me wait I gotta I can't see you you gotta count me in you gotta hand it over put it under my head all right on my head you gotta put it directly on my head okay now actually yeah just hand it over I'll just grab it okay all right here we go all right two one all right grabbing it aw kinda that kind of works that actually worked yeah can I have it back though sure I can here yeah all right thanks man


holy [ __ ]


damn we we came prepared he actually he just works there we actually lived together yeah we're just sitting next to each other yeah it's cgi yeah oh it wouldn't be funny if when we actually get the the studio stuff we like still set up the stream like this and have like two angles yeah yeah to really like paint the walls different as well oh yeah and then I just like get up there like oh james can I just get this right I just pick it up and then go back to my [ __ ] oh that'd be so funny amazing yeah someone clipped that if it's not already too late because I want to see that later yeah fight yourself jace you're lazy bump lazy bum yeah