August 27th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Will the 1.0 Update address & fix the lag issues on servers?

August 27th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Will the 1.0 Update address & fix the lag issues on servers?

This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: September 3rd, 2024 Livestream Q&A: What will be the day 1 experience for Dedicated Servers?

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-lSWm-M9ZYHE">[ YouTube - August 27th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Will the 1.0 Update address & fix the lag issues on servers?]</ref>



will the 1.0 update address and fix the lag issues on the servers especially when there are more than 10 trains that face into each other but then fix but then fix itself we'll


see we have made some substantial, improvements to multiplayer, I'm not sure if this like some of these specific issues might be hard to to talk about now because I'm not sure if we've tested for these specific cases that some people run into but there's been a lot of work has gone into fixing multiplayer specific issues a lot of issues that currently happen on update 8 such as with the hyper tubes and whatnot that's been fixed, so, hopefully it'll be a lot better of course they'll probably new issues, that's what you are here for yeah yeah yeah but but you know we're going to take some time and dedicate time that's also the the one nice thing now we're leaving 1.0 is that like we're no longer separated tracks in the develop team we're all working on like one thing so for instance when we left update 8 you know it takes a lot of wasted quote unquote wasted resources because if we fix something for update 8 then we need to do it again for 1.0 so so like sometimes for some things we've decided like okay this is going to take a lot of effort to fix and it's not worth doing it twice, so we decided to leave it in update eight, and F and fix it in 1.0 instead yeah so so we'll see hopefully it'll be a lot also it's also worth mentioning that I mean yeah while improvements and like just stuff that we have, worked on will improve the experience for multiplayer, some of that which we have touched on I think on previous streams and even maybe oh yeah we did a, a video on how, servers op in general even single player should be smoother in places where it currently is, quite busy yeah now there's actually even a setting if you know you're going to play single player, you can set it the session to be single player which should theoretically make things a bit better because it no longer needs to like maintain the session handling I don't like when they describe that to me- I don't understand how much that would actually impact people but like it might be a thing where you have like a huge safe out it might actually be you might it actually might have a measurable comparison but but it's there at least so like even you know even if it doesn't have a big impact we added it anyways yeah you're welcome