September 24th, 2024 Livestream Snutt Talk: Use the QA Site

September 24th, 2024 Livestream

Snutt Talk: Use the QA Site

00:00 Intro
00:26 QA Site goes down
00:48 Upvote stuff on the QA Site
01:28 QA Site goes up
01:44 So yeah, do that
01:54 Community FYI: Chat ddos'd the site
02:42 The internet is a series of tubes 👉👈
03:28 Form an orderly queue
03:52 Tinfoil hat time
04:35 Q&A: Why are you not using the Discord ticketing system?
05:00 Q&A: Why not use Jira?
05:17 We get enough tickets
05:40 Q&A: Why not use dot matrix printers?

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I think I think I've caught most of the things as always well okay now the site is fully down for me as well but when the Qs set is up and it will be up again make sure that you take all your feedback or like anything that you think is important that we know about post there or upload I think that's the best thing search for stuff now I'm getting the fireal 4 baby I'm I'm all cut up, we'll get we'll get that sorted out this happens from time to time all constantly and I don't remember why but there's some reason but, who would have thought that hosting websites would be a lot of work, but yeah like make sure to to upvote stuff on the qway site make sure to post your feedback, if there's a bug that you think like this is really important that they fix this please upload it make sure that your voice is heard, you will not like going coming to me and complaining about something has no effects I promise you, like it has significantly more you'll have a significantly better chance of getting your stuff fixed if it goes on the QA site then if you come to me in like any capacity, or like on Discord or whatever, you know you really have to to post it there, why not fix it you mean I'm supposed to fix the qite oh now it's back working for me again cool maybe it's just maybe it's I don't know it'll get sorted out just give it a minute, so yeah do that do go to the C site Chad dos the site too many yeah maybe hey is I mean it's not impossible but we also have had some issues with the the server hosting that like sometimes it just goes down, and then it gets resoled again and like it we don't do anything it's just like it's just something some little like in the cop in the wire of the internet some dust gets in there and someone it just in the wind just blows away this is how the internet works y'all I've I'm explaining it very clearly, it it just ha I don't know it just happens, something technical just sorts itself out I guess I don't know it's a series two tubes and they they connect and sometimes the tubes don't connect and maybe that's why it doesn't work so they got to connect again you know what I mean they shouldn't use C quick wire that could be it that could be it, yeah unless the site isn't actually made for 2,000 people tuning in at the same time I didn't know don't even know like how many people are watching on Steam 1 th000 yeah so it's there's a lot of people watching and then people see me complain not complain people see me mention the Q side and everyone else goes to it and just dos the S side so just give it a give it a minute orderly fashion okay form a line everybody not everyone at once yeah yeah yeah it's the government they're H they're tracking the qway side and just they got to get all the data like what what is the people complaining about for satisfactory we got to know so we can use it in the election or something stupid I don't know FBI wants to know your location they're tracking you through the QA site what will I think of next why are not using Discord ticket system holy [ __ ] that is not a good system with this amount of people it's it's a nightmare tracking anything in Discord forget about it there's it's such a pain in the ass we tried doing it before and it was like Discord is not meant for that holy

[ __ ]

when I use j- I feel like people who use J will know but yeah we don't want to use that we get enough yeah we have enough issues just on the on the Discord we have like a TI system for like, when people have like feedback for the Discord by itself and that's like how many we get like five how many tickets we get a day like 10 20 or something like that that's too much already it's already too much why not do dot matrix printers you know you you that's a good question actually they make a really funny sound when they run I can hear them they're coming