September 29th, 2023 Video Q&A: Curious what you mean when you say you don't support Lumen?

September 29th, 2023 Video

Q&A: Curious what you mean when you say you don't support Lumen?

This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: October 3rd, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Given the popularity of Lumen, have you changed your stance on supporting it?

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-lK-kN8QOrJw,1662.8612,1764.0289333333333">[ YouTube - September 29th, 2023 Video - Q&A: Curious what you mean when you say you don't support Lumen?]</ref>



of this stuff I'm curious what you mean when you say you don't officially support Lumen if it's in the game does that mean that you support it so this is a really good point and this is actually something that we've discussed a lot back and forth when we added Lumen to the game for those who don't know we have support for the like one of the new techniques for Global elimination that Unreal Engine supports which is Lumen, we decided to add that in the game but the thing is that you sort of need to tailor the lighting system towards Lumen if you have that in your games and we haven't really done that we haven't really tailored the game for Lumen and mine which which means you get like a lot of dark areas and like the exposure is kind of weird in certain situations and it's a lot of work tuning the lighting towards that but we felt that like it's such a cool feature and it doesn't really like break anything by having it, so we felt that like if people want to enable Lumen they can and like if it if it works for them then cool and it doesn't work then they can switch it off but we decided to go with the whole thing where we say it's not officially supported because we don't officially support it like if people are running into issues then we can't really help them out, and if like they're having issues with like graphic card not being able to support Lumen we also can't really do anything about that, and also the phrasing the wording here with saying is like not officially supported so that people know that like okay the game is in design with lumen in mind, so that's the main reason why we went with that but that's it is true like the fact that it is in the game is kind of like signifying that it is supportive but we still want to be able to communicate sort of Our intention with Lumen and that is that, the game is in tuned with living in mind and we don't know if we'll ever to the game with lumen in mind all right that's it for