September 29th, 2023 Video
Q&A: Are you planning to add a logic system and if so, when?
This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: December 5th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Are you going to add logic gates to the game?
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<ref name="yt-lK-kN8QOrJw,1497.6628333333333,1572.0705">[ YouTube - September 29th, 2023 Video - Q&A: Are you planning to add a logic system and if so, when?]</ref>
you planning to add a logic system and if so when we don't have plans to add a logic system to the game we actually played around a little bit with this idea and we decided that not we decided not to do it because we feel like satisfactory is satisfactory is already a pretty complicated game and it's quite complex and we we always wanted to set a factory to sort of be sort of easy to grasp and like get into and then like sort of hard to manage and like once to master and like once you get into the later tiers and stuff like that and we felt that like having a logic system would add too much to like the already existing game because they are existing game is already quite complex if we're thinking of okay but what if it's optional then it's like then we're putting a lot of effort into adding a system a quite big system that wouldn't even necessarily be be compulsory for the game and that makes it not really worth implementing for for us at this time so that's why we're not probably going to do a logic system anytime soon there are mods that have implemented really cool logic systems to the game do that do require you being able to program, I believe but there are some really cool mods that that sort of fill this park, this void and I recommend checking those out if you're interested in that stuff when do you think you'll release the original