September 29th, 2023 Video Q&A: Will there ever be Mk.3 or Mk.4 Fluid Pipes?

September 29th, 2023 Video

Q&A: Will there ever be Mk.3 or Mk.4 Fluid Pipes?

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as February 2023 and as early as May 2021.
This question has 6 related videos
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-lK-kN8QOrJw,1448.1800666666668,1497.6294666666668">[ YouTube - September 29th, 2023 Video - Q&A: Will there ever be Mk.3 or Mk.4 Fluid Pipes?]</ref>



wise will there ever be Mark 3 or mark IV fluid pipes no because we're sort of at the limit with Mark's Mark II actually even with Mark II it doesn't fully fully fully work there's a couple of like edge cases where sometimes you can get a little bit less than 600 like you you can't always expect to get a full like 600, and out of the pipes and this is based on like all a bunch of factors like frame rate and stuff like that and we we hope to fix that stuff for my two pipes so that they will be fully 600. I don't think you need to worry too much about this unless you're optimizing like perfectly 100 using utilizing pipes but in the future this shouldn't be an issue and but the the addition of a Mark 3 and 4 is right out that's not happening are you planning to add a logic system and