September 29th, 2023 Video Q&A: What inspired you to make this game?

September 29th, 2023 Video

Q&A: What inspired you to make this game?

This question may have been asked previously at least 1 other time, as recently as March 2023.
This question has a related video
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-lK-kN8QOrJw,1204.3031,1237.6697666666666">[ YouTube - September 29th, 2023 Video - Q&A: What inspired you to make this game?]</ref>



you to make this game so I don't I wasn't there from the beginning so I can't really say fully but we were definitely inspired by factorio and we were curious like what would factorial be if we made it sort of as like a 3D type game where like what what challenges would that third access add to the game and like what could we do differently with this game like and I think, we've gone a long way since then and I don't think really the two games are comparable I think if I think there are different aspects of Factoria they're really good that wouldn't have worked so well in satisfactory and vice versa but factorio was like one of the main Inspirations definitely for for making this game are there any plans to include