May 19th, 2020 Livestream Q&A: What if Coffee Stain were to handle multiplayer authentication directly?

May 19th, 2020 Livestream

Q&A: What if Coffee Stain were to handle multiplayer authentication directly?

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might be solutions yeah another question about like if if coffestane would do that logins I don't think that would solve it there is the there has like technically you could have a backend that you log in with a special authentication through steam into our back end and we are back and as a publisher would have, like authority to actually fetch friendly information and that feedback that back but it's that's a lot of work and potential issue security issues and a lot of things that need to be solved and on top of that that's a lot of traffic and like server maintenance for us as well and potential bugs and like things crashing going down and we need to have people on that so it's just like a kind of worm to open and there are potential other solutions but like we are investigating but what it doesn't matter like it's always like this type of like connectivity in games in general like because I worked on games where like we only have steam implementation or whatever and like I worked in games so we also do cross-play and we've made our own solution to it and it's just so much work and it's just it is a can of worms regardless what route you go down like I don't think people understand like just how much work it is to just set up you know the even if you have like just a usage a regular old steam lobby system like you still need to hook that all hook all those cases up where you need that and like what happens if a player disconnects and during log impression like nothing case and like there's there's so much work that goes into it and like the the the option to not use those types of services that you kind of get through the friends list and whatnot like there's a lot of stuff you get through that service as well like you know with, yeah