July 13th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Since the FPS tied to game precision and late-game tends to be laggy, will you optimise?

July 13th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Since the FPS tied to game precision and late-game tends to be laggy, will you optimise?


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Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-kulvUg6bHhI">[https://youtu.be/kulvUg6bHhI YouTube - July 13th, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: Since the FPS tied to game precision and late-game tends to be laggy, will you optimise?]</ref>



so if he has a tied to game precision and lincoln can be quite laggy you plan on optimizing enough for it to not be a problem in that stage of the game I mean that the thing is we have a game that's sort of like you can build you know with that almost without limit right so it's so so what what's considered laggy in the late game is is gonna be a goal post that's constantly gonna be moved so if we if we fix it so that you know at your current late game it's not lagging anymore but you play for another 100 hours and starts lagging again, you could very easily say well can you fix the late game right but the late game was also before so so it's kind of hard we constantly make optimizations and we certainly look into improving megabases and stuff like that that's a great way for us to find easy wins you know sometimes things that seem really small, compound when it comes to megabases so making changes there greatly affects larger factories, yeah so as for whether or not we're going to target specifically late game stuff or not with optimizations I don't think that's necessarily the right approach to go usually it's just like what like from after profiling what where are the bottlenecks where can we get you know the most gains out of the least effort I guess but you know just just just making sure that our time spent on optimizing is as efficient as possible, and usually whatever gains that we get since they compound in the late game folks with bigger factories will will feel a bigger difference for, from it you know like if we improve this is a dumb example but if we improve I don't know constructors just say constructors to slow the game a little bit and you end up having a thousand constructors where you get a really big win right