May 23rd, 2023 Livestream Q&A: What is the 19 poster?

May 23rd, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: What is the 19 poster?

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what is the 19 poster it is from the game portal you kind of can't see it too well maybe if I if I make my maybe I'm putting next to the, if you put it next to the lizard doggo and then you take a picture and post it could do yeah see it's like a portal chamber 19 is it from the first or second game first game, Chamber 19 is the Lost chamber is it yep I guess a huge X well spoilers but I guess a huge huge section of that game is you well not huge actually that's chamber 19. yeah yeah there's isn't there like there's 20 rooms or something like that is what they're saying and then like 19 is, oh deviating the games yeah I think it's something like that and 19 is where things go weird yeah when she gets real exactly gets real exactly