August 29th, 2023 Livestream Snutt Talk: Adventures with Creatures

August 29th, 2023 Livestream

Snutt Talk: Adventures with Creatures

00:00 It begins...
01:27 Things do not go as planned
03:18 Update 8 Parachute change
03:40 Sucker-punching
04:06 Whoops
04:19 What was that?
04:36 Running into more Alphas
05:40 Q&A: Can Johnny save himself if he falls down a cliff?
05:48 Unexpected visitors
06:04 "This game has become so violent"
07:12 Running into an Alpha Stinger

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-kFPwspfkqZ8">[ YouTube - August 29th, 2023 Livestream - Snutt Talk: Adventures with Creatures]</ref>



oh oh oh come here come at me bro wait where'd you go you dummy you dummy oh they didn't die okay cool well now I can't fight yet wait they're running back up we're gonna get him you coming back then the Pioneers Oh I guess you could see your own body that's true where'd they go oh there there Not Over You Yet this ain't over come on gotcha what and gotcha rather remains oh no did they glitch into the ground oh no there you go Q day when in three minutes I just have a timer okay just in time right on time something something something something else oh more victims holy [ __ ] there's no oh my God there's a [ __ ] party over here oh God no wrong one oh God


stressy oh God oh God there's so many oh the [ __ ] parachute in the middle of everything hahaha oh what's going on there's like four of them this is gonna work out why are they so many of them this can't be right comparison is pretty sweet though oh wait it's just that's two three three Alphas like this can't be right is this right or using the trick here with the parachute let's go gamers they still caught up to me holy [ __ ] I can't believe it don't Talent about that by the way the glitch don't worry about it holy [ __ ] we're gonna 100 die here like this fight is not worth it because we're only gonna get like hog remains and it's like the same you get for like regular Hogs no no no let's bail bail bail bail bail bail bail bail bail bill that was fun Serpentine Serpentine all right I have to say, the new update though with parachuting like this you having the parachute this early is amazing it makes Explorations so much better it's like I'm playing tears of the Kingdom a sucker punching this [ __ ] come here three remains give me your remains where'd you go we need to get beams so we can abuse the [ __ ] out of better shoots cool hello man it's spawning a lot of creatures is that is that how it's supposed to be so that was supposed to be designed whoops never mind I don't think I've ever heard that sound before that was weird I do not remember there being an alpha here there's two Alphas excuse me what this feels a bit excessive is this correct is this right are those supposed to be two Alphas here I guess maybe the mobs are changed a lot apparently they changed a lot since update seven because oh please fall down hello you don't have a parachute bye see ya idiot, okay let's see here let's drop some oh [ __ ] shut up can Johnny save himself if he falls down a cliff If he if he attacks the player I think so what the hell is going on here this game is perfect how you doing buddy let's go Gamers oh look at that very nice I missed it it's another Alpha here this game has become so violent oh [ __ ] my health no no I wasn't worried were you guys worried still see her deaths there he goes oh bye all right let's get that kill those passwords


oh he did I'm gonna kill that cat come here I'm done I'm done with your [ __ ]


oh it wasn't dead what the hell wait give me your thing there we go too mean what do you mean they're coming right for me