September 24th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Why was the bar for Phase 5 so low?

September 24th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Why was the bar for Phase 5 so low?

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why was the bar for face five so low so, so here's the thing there are a lot of people playing the game and- I bet to wager that a lot of people that are watching the stream right now are people that are very into satisfactory and like want to know you know everything that goes into the game and it's really hard to like cater towards everyone right and what we found a lot in the, during early access was that, a lot of people felt that the game was too grindy and- I and I know that like I know there are people that feel like the the game is too easy now quote to easy now, but we think we really feel that now the game is balanced for the core audience like or not the core audience but like the the majority of the audience that plays the game, you know some people are stuck in PH three forever I see posts where people are like how the hell are you supposed to finish phase two and some people are like phase two is too easy it was the same thing where we added achievements we we we want people to unlock the achievements right we want people to to, do it and some people are still like the achievements are too hard they're too difficult, so so we're we're making these like balancing decisions based on like what data we have collected from the majority of people playing the game, and not all these people are vocal on like forums and whatnot so, we think it's we think it's fair based on like player feedback essentially, yeah the Golden Nut one is hard yeah should have been an achievement to get the golden nut and then then but then annoying is when like most of the achievements are fine but there's one like that's impossible I'd rather have a game honestly this is I guess this is somewhat of a discussion we've had too internally this is just I just realized this, I'm not sure if this is the case or not but I think sometimes when you make achievements per games you kind of decide like is this a game where it's going to be super difficult to get all the achievements or is this a game where the base player is going to get most achievements and I think we just decided that like we we prefer if most people unlock achievements you know we want most people to we don't want like just the hardcore players to get everything we want like a lot of people to get it and even now I think it's like what is the percentage on like a lot of these like and it's like 0.2% have finished phase five you know that's really low if that is the number I think that's last time I checked but that was a while ago