March 22nd, 2022 Livestream Q&A: Would you go with Unreal Engine 5 later?

March 22nd, 2022 Livestream

Q&A: Would you go with Unreal Engine 5 later?

This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: March 21st, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Any updates on an Engine switch?

This question has a related topic
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-k3IBcDlRl68">[ YouTube - March 22nd, 2022 Livestream - Q&A: Would you go with Unreal Engine 5 later?]</ref>



will you go with unreal engine 5 later I'm like pretty much I would say maybe 80 confident that we will never use unreal engine 5 for satisfactory, 70 maybe 70 percent- I'm I'm somewhat confident that we probably won't move over to unreal engine 5., because it is, there's nothing in unreal engine 5 right now that we can really utilize I think maybe this maybe there's a couple of things that I'm not thinking of but definitely not like the for lumen and like for the reason for lumen and, and nanite like those those two features aren't necessarily something that we feel we need in the game and we can't really utilize them, as it is right now and then instead of switch to unity so, I don't know probably not unreal engine five but maybe it depends on the, on whether we're finding the value in in migrating over because there's there's always even within like the minor versions of unreal engine we always weigh the benefit versus the amount of work that goes into migrating the engine, and sometimes well in the past we also said we won't migrate to the like the specific one and then we did it anyways we realized we needed something, so you can never say never but this right as of now you know unreal engine five has been out for a while as of now there's nothing that we feel call like we feel that we need from one gender and five that we don't already have