September 13th, 2022 Livestream Q&A: Why can't I subscribe to you with my Prime sub to support you?

September 13th, 2022 Livestream

Q&A: Why can't I subscribe to you with my Prime sub to support you?

This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: September 26th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Why don't you put subs on Twitch for the revenue?

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Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-jyJtvoO3Xrk">[ YouTube - September 13th, 2022 Livestream - Q&A: Why can't I subscribe to you with my Prime sub to support you?]</ref>



why can't I subscribe to my prime sub and support you because we're not affiliate, fun fact on twitch you're not allowed if you're affiliate or partner you're not allowed to co-stream and we co-stream sometimes to our youtube channel and our steam page and stuff like that and we would lose that ability so that's why we don't have affiliate operator cool all right that's it I think we're gonna call it there no affiliate equals no ads is that true no you still get ads even if you're not affiliate wait for sure you don't get ads or you do get ads if you're not affiliate no ads no I feel like I've I feel like I've gotten ads well not getting ads that's a different thing oh gee calm down everyone haven't seen okay maybe you don't get ads or maybe it's just us yeah way less ads that's more what I think their ads on the internet are you guys using block ad block never gotten ads well we should start putting an ads what the we're wasting valuable like time and effort or whatever we're wait wasting we should be we we, we should be making ads or paying we who who likes to, talk to get some ads in here what a waste of my life is the whole show an ad no it's it's it's it's, informational what's the what's the term for that it's like, infomercials yeah stop wasting stop wasting that valuable ad space with my face it's so right god damn right sorry I'm just stalling a bit because because the person I was going to raid just stopped their stream that's a bummer but, yeah how you guys doing huh what kind of ads do you like what's your favorite ad top 10 ads number one the one with snoot number two no seriously I have made an ad I can't say here okay that sounds ominous the ad I made for, the I think when we launched on four fans by fans I made an ad that was like completely animated by me that is probably like my, proudest moment that's a good ad that's a good ad made an ad on twitter I don't remember I don't remember which one was that promote a tweet okay yeah fair enough but that wasn't that wasn't coffee's thing