December 20th, 2022 Livestream Q&A: What was the point of the decision to make Blueprints 4x4 only?

December 20th, 2022 Livestream

Q&A: What was the point of the decision to make Blueprints 4x4 only?

This question may have been asked previously at least 1 other time, as recently as November 2022.
This question has 3 related videos, and a related topic
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-jl0bDeSq5aM">[ YouTube - December 20th, 2022 Livestream - Q&A: What was the point of the decision to make Blueprints 4x4 only?]</ref>



what was the point of the decision to make blueprints 4x4 only the point is to, that the Restriction would be there somewhere right whether it's four by four five by five six by six whatever right the the Restriction is intentional, we specifically did not want to give you complete free reign to make an entire Factory in one blueprint that was the intention was to not to not do that and that creating copy paste features becomes a gameplay mechanic and like an element and a challenge that you need to solve that you need to think about it adds a different layer of the game right that's what we what was trying to being trying to created by the, restriction and then why it was 4x4 was because that's what we determined might be an interesting point because you can build most things in there some things you can't and then it's pretty good to work with but it is a thing that like we definitely want feedback from the community for, so that maybe we change it maybe we add other sizes later maybe we like how it is right who knows but yeah we had to draw the line somewhere and that's just where we drew it we thought that was a pretty good balance point I know that we went back and forth a few times with what we could have gone with but we went with four by four