October 25th, 2022 Livestream Special Guest CEO of CSS (aka Official Satisfactory Podcast episode 2)

October 25th, 2022 Livestream

Special Guest CEO of CSS (aka Official Satisfactory Podcast episode 2)

00:00 Intro
00:15 Special Guest, discussing 1.0 release date
01:15 Distracted by Final Fantasy XVI trailer
03:05 Distracted by Final Fantasy XIV
04:47 Distracted by Final Fantasy XV
06:44 Distracted by Final Fantasy XVI
07:05 Out of time
08:07 Outro


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-jjgFHNU5NNM">[https://youtu.be/jjgFHNU5NNM YouTube - October 25th, 2022 Livestream - Special Guest CEO of CSS (aka Official Satisfactory Podcast episode 2)]</ref>



forgot to make the thread today chat well no how could you bam there we go it's terrible fired speaking of fired she could have fired true, so next segment is gonna be a special guest we have a CEO now, yeah, it's a CEO of coffees and Studios and stuff on hello Stephanie welcome how you doing buddy hi I'm doing good thanks for having me oh geez you're so loud oh God one second oh really fine for me I think so you're Frozen I think wait one second there we go there we go yeah yeah I was, when Stefan joined the call he was super quiet so I was like all right I'll bump it up I'll bump him up and then when we went actually went live it was like [ __ ] this is loud you use the CEO voice yeah your indoor voice


oh I got my own special tab and everything yeah man stream yeah man yeah I mean you probably have something cool to talk about that's yeah it's something you want to bring up or what was it yeah yeah yeah no I was thinking we could talk about like 1.0 release date and stuff but but before that, I saw the the new trailer for Final Fantasy 16. oh did you guys see that oh yes I did actually see it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I did I'm not sure I was like yeah I'm kind of Pumped actually yeah I was getting I was getting more, on board with it, yeah so so basically it it's I've been a little questionable about it because I'm like I'm not sure if I really dig the whole like Western medieval fantasy kind of vibe, and then this trailer was still more of that the first half but in the second half the trailer went full jrpg Goblin mode yeah and, goblet yeah like the first half was Game of Thrones and the second half was jrpg Goblin mode yeah and and I was really happy about that because, we got to see, yeah like all like the crystal stuff all these like different cities like around the world that all looked really different from each other and, yeah come with chocobos in their head and and you know yeah yeah well I hope a little bit of that's there at some point but you know also the voice acting was pretty good yeah it reminded me of 12 a lot like that yeah style yeah that's true yeah that's true I like that- I've said from the first trailer that I saw that I was like wow this feels like Game of Thrones like did they completely Go Game of Thrones and then yeah now it's like oh [ __ ] they are definitely going that route holy [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah they definitely took inspiration from Game of Thrones in, Final Fantasy 16., so we'll sort of see also see how it goes I've never played any of the 14 things and it failed if early it felt like you'd like have to appreciate that kind of style of games but I don't know now it looked just like a you know what makes me optimistic for it too is I think, me and Jay's talked about this a while ago but but like everyone always recommends Final Fantasy 14 all the time like oh this story is so great in Final Fantasy 14. but the thing is like the format of telling those that story is still like an MMO setting like and I don't like that setting at all and it is Yoshi P so like it's it's it's- I agree I'm not a huge fan of that like setting of you know in terms of telling stories it's it's a good setting when you can do other things too but sometimes I don't want to play like an MMO right because yeah it's hard to, your camera's frozen against Stefan I don't know that's my No it's my fault it's my fault that's my fault yeah, yeah yeah, yeah- I sort of agree and but at the same time I do feel like there may be like catching a little bit on the Final Fantasy 14 Vibe because I think 15 feels more like Final Fantasy 14 more so than any other Final Fantasy has for sure, at least I can tell from the from what I can tell from the the, the, the trailers and yeah I don't know it's it's it's not it's not super My Vibe but I think it can still work and you know just because it's not my vibe doesn't mean it's not good but, I'm gonna give it a go it's not gonna be too much action in the in the actual battles that it is still some some, RPG old school in it yeah yeah, well- I doubt it- I kind of doubt that that's gonna happen I feel like I feel like that format is for the most part just straight up dying unless you're the Yakuza franchise for some reason maybe they can bring it back who knows- I mean I think the the battle was really good in Final Fantasy 7 remake yeah yeah and I mean it did I honestly think that 15 also brought something cool to the table in the end, was a big mess of lots of things but, like I recently played that one as well and it had some has some cool moments yeah I need to replay it again I did enjoy playing it the first time it didn't have as much like charm as some of the other games did but I think it was a big step in the right direction regardless so yeah you get kind of, deluded with all of the cup noodle quests and fetch quests like play it as a single player game I think that would just became a lot better just following the main story the reveal trailer for finally Final Fantasy 15 by the way, was like the reason why I bought my PlayStation 3. and, then that game was in development for a long time I mean the first the first one they showed the first trailer where like he's he's sitting in 13 verses or whatever yeah yeah so he's like sitting on his throne and then like that awesome like him attacking the soldiers on the tower you know the a really awesome part with that trailer now there's a book following that that did the rest of the DLCs that weren't released for fountains 15. right okay I mean of course yeah and they made it in the book format instead if you love The Trailer wait until you read the book but they actually incorporate that original trailer oh really into the lore of the game in a way that kind of makes sense I don't know oh wow they felt they didn't need to do that but it actually like has a place in in the story interesting that's kind of nice yeah I haven't seen in a while but we know when it's coming out yet 16 no summer 2023 was the release the summer 2020s it's like, I thought it was gonna be like yeah 2020 2030 baby cool yeah all right well, yeah but that seems like, like, my time is up so we'll have to talk yeah about all those other stuff, some other time yeah we're gonna get into 1.0 but I guess we'll just we'll do that next time yeah it's fine you're a busy person it is we have a tight schedule here that's true yeah, we we would have been great to have you on for a little longer but yeah that's that's okay yeah sure next time yeah all right catch you later man bye bye that was cool yeah that was pretty cool yeah nice, we can cover 1.0 another time you know we covered what was important I suppose, I mean I feel like that was benefited I feel like I got a lot out of that yeah I mean I feel, I feel invigorated I feel everything, I mean it was a good trailer I don't know what to tell you like Chad what are you talking about check it out you guys need to check it out the final fantastic trailer came out like four days ago yeah actually did I saw it today and I was like oh [ __ ] I missed this yeah that's good all right well, and on that note I'm gonna get out of here because my job's done too bye everyone everyone just bails on me have a good one ceiling you have to deal with the angry people now perfect all right what a what a time to be alive haunt chat what a time to be alive oh boy all right who was that guy that was Jace oh wait who else are you talking about Stefan the CEO for coffee stain Studios just pop by just talk about important [ __ ] you know it's, you gotta get you gotta we gotta prioritize let's talk about it right