October 31st, 2023 Livestream Q&A: More ADA lines?

October 31st, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: More ADA lines?


This question has a related video
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-ja9tv0xpn7o">[https://youtu.be/ja9tv0xpn7o YouTube - October 31st, 2023 Livestream - Q&A: More ADA lines?]</ref>



text to voice feature of game narrator playing Clips over PA when Crossing specific thresholds for Greetings instructions Etc like a train State, could be a cool feature please upload that on a QA site, the the current voice in the game is actually not like text it is text of voice it's like it's not live so to speak they're not an actual, Vocaloid in the game it's like we saved the sound files U So currently we don't have that supported whoops I think I accidentally removed question too much, which one was it damn it, so it could be a cool feature please upload that on qsite if if you want to that