August 17th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Any chance for improved controller support?

August 17th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Any chance for improved controller support?

This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: January 14th, 2025 Livestream Q&A: Are you still going to push a Controller beta for PC before Console Release?

This question has a related video
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-jZYkquJsDyM">[ YouTube - August 17th, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: Any chance for improved controller support?]</ref>



any chance for improved control support it's always possible, I don't know what our like official stance is anymore unlike control yeah I think we want it but but like but no so- I it's actually something that's been thrown around a little bit more in like in discussion recently too so I don't think there's been any really like any decision has been made internally on whether or not we're going to do another possible control support or if we aim on having complete control support or if we at the very least, have it so that you can map controllers to f to functions so people who need those kind of things for like accessibility reasons can just do that, yeah we're not really sure to what extent we're gonna do control support at this stage but, yeah it is something that has popped up again in conversation within the studio recently so yeah we'll sort of see don't don't have an answer for you though and if you guys are curious like if you haven't heard before, like the main reason why we haven't really had control support is because every time we update the game we also have to like maintain control and support and there's a lot of elements to the game that like we have to maintain all the time every time we work on the game and since we're in early access and we're developing the game it's it's so much effort to just like every time we add a feature go back to the controller mapping and be like all right I'm going to fix it so it works with that and then go back to the feature and then sometimes maybe they don't work well together, so like it's it's it's one of those things where like it takes a lot of development effort that sort of we're going to have to revisit at some point anyways if we want to do it so like the closest might as well just do it at the end exactly, and I know it sucks for like people that maybe have like disabilities or like want accessibility options in the game there are some ways to like use steam if you're if you own the game on steam, to use the steam mapping thingamajig I'm not quite sure exactly how it works because I've never done it but some people have pointed out that it is possible to like play most of the game on the controller, currently using that, but I'm not exactly sure how it works but I'm sure there are some guides or some people out there that can help you out but that's the main reason why we haven't done it so far