January 31st, 2025 Video
Console Release
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<ref name="yt-jUsBE8JYNdo,445.74495039611736,556.6222967668261">[https://youtube.com/embed/jUsBE8JYNdo?autoplay=1&start=445&end=557 YouTube - January 31st, 2025 Video - Console Release]</ref>
before I give you the second bigger juicier bone about 1.1 let's rewind a little Spin and talk about consoles again we want to share our thought process much more in depth about consoles and what it's actually like bringing the you know the game from PC to the consoles on TV, because I mean it's not as simple obviously at this point as just you know ripping the game down and plunking it into a disc and chipping it there and calling it a day the leadup to the console release will include, talks about this it will also include much more you know just detailed talks about say button mapping how we thought about moving a very complex game like satisfactory to a in the grand scheme of things very tiny controller what challenges we faced playing the game on consoles what challenges we faced just porting the game like what mechanics were particularly tricky what's the feel of the game like on Console you know all the stff we want to talk about all these things on the channel as we approach the console release that release, I will have to admit we have said on record that both on YouTube and on Twitch that consoles should release very soon in this year, maybe even quarter 1 soon that is looking like it's no longer the case and that is simply because circumstances do change with game development and we do want to say this right now as soon as possible just again to be as open as possible about you know the fact that we may have goofed we we may have hyped up consoles to be coming a bit earlier than than expected they should still be landing this year but it will not be quarter 1 it will not really be anytime super super soon but it should definitely still be sometime this year but yeah the end of this long ramble is