October 15th, 2021 Video Jace Talk: Hard & Soft Clearance, some Buildings now have Complex Clearance

October 15th, 2021 Video

Jace Talk: Hard & Soft Clearance, some Buildings now have Complex Clearance


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cool so number 10 the final one on this list is a bit of a big one and that is a few weeks back when we were showing off you know when we introduced soft clearance to you guys and we showed off that there's soft clearance and hard clearance but buildings have hard clearance and so they they cannot clip into the bounds of other buildings even if those bounds are really big and have a lot of empty space you can't use that empty space with other buildings right so so the example that I showed was constructors trying to, encroach on the in clearance of a particle accelerator even though it didn't clip into the particle accelerator another example that I showed was like a foundation bridge over the top of a coal generator because a coal generator has a really big bounding box with a lot of empty space but you can't build any buildings in that space right so we were working on this at the time but we didn't know if it was going to be in update 5 or not but I can confirm now that this new feature will be in the game and that is complex clearance so certain buildings have a complex clearance to them now so that basically what that means is, the big offenders like the cold generator like a particle accelerator and some others, now have this complex clearance to them which means that you can actually encroach in those empty spaces now you still they still have hard clearance so you can't encroach on them you can't build two hard clearance buildings clipping into each other but you can now build in that empty space as you can see here I'm putting constructors over the top of that, empty space of the, the cold generator you can also see that I'm putting constructors kind of just around and you know inside hugging the, particle accelerator and even the space elevator has complex clearance as well so, I could build constructors kind of over the arms here you know the space elevator took up a lot of empty space before but now that has complex clearance and so now you can build a little bit more freely around that not all buildings have complex clearance but