February 20th, 2024 Livestream Snutt & Mikael Talk: Building strategies in Satisfactory

February 20th, 2024 Livestream

Snutt & Mikael Talk: Building strategies in Satisfactory


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-jL5ys-wWft0">[https://youtu.be/jL5ys-wWft0 YouTube - February 20th, 2024 Livestream - Snutt & Mikael Talk: Building strategies in Satisfactory]</ref>



they do the pretties the pretty factories they do they do what I don't have no like they do the thing that I don't have the energy to do which is make everything pretty F what's actually what's your current what's your current mindset in, s like when you play what do you are you just trying to speedrun and get faster and faster or like are you trying to like learn to so so like the my My Philosophy or whatever you play this game is that, you want to like get to tier, seven and eight as fast as possible I think, and, cuz like once you get there that's when you unlock like the faster belt speeds and that's essentially when you can take advantage of everything that exists in the world properly okay, so- I like to, build things and also I feel like a lot of people one common mistake that I see a lot of people man you're getting all the free tips right now but like I feel like a common mistake that I often see people do is that they tend to over engineer too early so like, they spend too much time setting up like a big steel production but where for what you need it for you're already over producing because like the thing that is important in the beginning is like you want to produce Parts at a rate of which you're using them so if you're building like another Factory you want to have a factory that produces Parts at the same Spa speed or slightly above of what you're building and one thing I see commonly people do is that they they overproduce items and they stack them in like you know, in storage containers or in like syncing them, where they could just reuse a lot of stuff so like even when I started out in my latest save I realized that like I could just set up a save H where, I produce like, iron plates and then I put them in a container and then I have like a smart splitter just like once the this the container is filled I'll output that to my next production line which uses, iron plates and like you can get along pretty fine with just doing that cuz like you don't build faster than you you produce Parts, yeah and like for for awesome sync [ __ ] you can always go and hunt for for animals and that's like the fastest way to get awesome sync so like even in the awesome sync discussion like you can still just like get a lot of stuff from the awesome shop by that by doing that, or syn it I guess but I mean Everyone's entitled to play the game they want to like if people do want to over produce Parts because like they enjoy that part that then but you're going to get to a point in the game where you need to set up so complex like Factory lines so like you're you're going to want to spend time doing that rather than spending time in the early game trying to like you know fish that there there's a reason why people always say that the game starts when you get to trains yeah because that's when you actually have access to everything yeah Zen salami just poked that, I always thought excess was the way to go they said, and I guess they're getting worried about running out that's my mindset exactly like once I once I start making [ __ ] like any materials, I can just never see myself at a point where I want to have less of it than what I've produced if that makes sense yeah I mean you always you want to like because it's it's the same you can apply the same sort of mindset as you have with efficiency as you have with your own production so like if you're producing parts that you're supposed to use to build stuff if you're not building faster than what you're producing then you're overcompensating is what I think yeah and and- I think a lot of people spend too much time and getting like sort of burned out by the game because they spend too much time on like that part of the game rather than like keep progressing because the end game is really when the grind comes, and that's when you're sort of solving the B problems I felt the grind when I was sitting up my cold gens yeah and the CLE Jens is like that's early game that's like tutorial essentially comparison when you get to like the the phasee four [ __ ] like even phase three actually is a lot of effort just setting up my pipe journey man like go oh Hanah laughed and laughed in my latest saile I've also done a lot of stuff where I keep moving everything with me so like I don't use trains but I do but I have built like big buses which is a lot of effort because you need to pull a lot of conveyor belts right but I've done on like outposts where I have like a big bus of all my items I'm producing and then I'm just moving them from one container area to another so I don't have to run back and forth as much mhm I just need to run back to my outposts and get it okay yeah so, it's pretty sweet those are good nuggets I'll take that with me and forget it tomorrow but that's just how I how I build I think if you want to just like finish the game fast I think there's there are better ways to to play honestly I think the most, refresh like the most relaxing I've ever played with satisfactory is when you don't care about spaghetti and just like build everywhere and and don't care and just get machines done cuz often times I've seen people that have done that and they're like in the way late tier game very early because they don't spend as much time over engineering what they built they just Wrecking Ball the way through yeah yeah but it's all a journey man it's not about the destination always I still haven't finished everything in the game I have like way too many hours mhm despite everything, we can actually touch on that a bit, despite everything the game is very fun it gets better and better and better the more you, in my opinion the more you unlock and that's also at the same time the more you figure out that optimizing is okay so a concrete example then, with optimizing is like just fun in itself the first time in tier this was tier not too long ago like four or five a fair bit after having, MK3 belts unlocked, a very simple scene a very very simple thing but just in the northern forest with that little you know that little C whatever with three or four pure iron nodes yeah just yeah making space for all of those miners Mark 2 miners connect to eight smelters each with Mark I belts and having this perfect flow of ore just going and going and going and just having all of the green lamps lit up and then having the smelters connected to the appropriate amount of, Constructors for rods into screws or just plates again very very basic stuff for tier five especially just very very basic stuff but just having all that set up and all that like flowing perfectly and with all those green lights that in itself was a reward then like just learning just figuring out that kind of stuff hopefully ear than I did with these base Ms but even then yeah, just yeah figuring out that achieving a perfect flow can be even though it might not be like the, most optimal way to learn the game and eventually reach tier 7 eight if you want to make spaghetti but that little like just nugget of game play is such a nice just washing over feeling to experience and then there are other moments like that some about optimization and some about stuff like entirely other stuff but just different stuff, they all come together to make you know you feel like you learn something about the the game that makes it very enthralling to come back and keep playing yeah so yeah despite me being and then also like as a I mean for God's sake I play like two MMO games and, in like RPGs I tend to always want to min max my stats I tend to always want to make sure my build is crisp perfect for like the what third boss of Elden ring who you can sneeze at and he dies and just make sure everything is absolutely you know just polished to a tea before going in there like with that mindset this game becomes an extremely slow burn but sometimes sticking with that and sometimes learning to devate from that is also a learning experience and also a very just like fun journey to go through so it is a fantastic time even though I'm a sto player yeah TDR one thing I really enjoyed when I was, pretty early on there's something called a 5x5 challenge where you're only allowed to build within a 5x5 Grid in like a tower so you're not allowed to build any big factories essentially and that's sort of when I learned that like wow you can really progress really fast because you can't make things perfect and you have to like sort of you know when you're building cuz I fit like coal generat and [ __ ] like that in the tower like you can only have so many and then you think like oh I have to reuse parts and that kind of stuff so like it's when yeah so when I limited my myself for that it really made me, appreciate how like you can keep going even though you don't finish everything so could you do it in five Time 5 Time 5, no probably not that power was huge this was also before we had, Advanced clipping so like before we had soft clipping and that stuff so it was even harder back then so I haven't tried it since, so I guess yeah it's a 4x4 it's the new 5x5 exactly okay yeah well the blueprint designer since it's only 4x4 that sounds hot actually yeah yeah it's F it's fun but it's like a separate play through kind of deal now I just want to finish the game