November 23rd, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Will there be a variable for SteamCMD for which version to choose?

November 23rd, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Will there be a variable for SteamCMD for which version to choose?

This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: November 23rd, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Which app ids are there for the server branches on SteamCMD?

This question has a related video
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will there be a variable for steam command for which version to choose yeah so some people have been asking like what's the app id gonna be for steam command I actually have no idea, that's something that is probably just gonna get figured out over the next couple days, and, so so check out the wiki, I'll I'll post the link to the wiki isn't it the same though or is it a different it probably is but like this I don't know if there's like a way to differentiate between which version I think I think it's gonna be the same and you have to do the similar thing where, you have to like specify which branch you want to be on, because that's okay yeah if you can do that normally then yeah then that's all you have to do because I'm pretty sure it'll be the same app it'll just be a different branch yeah I don't think there's going to be two entries in your steam that's actually a good thing to bring up actually because if you're playing the way that we set it up right now is that we already have two branches for the dedicated servers and one of them is experimental and one of them is ea and right now both are experimental they're both since we didn't have an ea at that point we released both experimental so the default branch which is going to be the early access branch that's going to get updated to the early access version is is the default branch so if you want to play on experimental you have to switch to that branch, yeah so but but like an important thing to note is that like when the early access version drops you know in 15 minutes or whatever, then early access and experimental is going to be at one of those points in time where they're the exact same version of the game and so that's a point where if you're playing on experimental but you want to play on early access this is a time that your save files will work on early access and so you should make that switch and then of course if you're going to be using dedicated servers you got to make sure that you're using the right dedicated server, but then later eventually experimental will pull ahead of the early access version and then you can't really go back from experimental to early access anymore so if you wanted to play on early access, you know in 15 minutes it's a great time for you to move over remember whenever switching branches back up your save files go and find them manually copy paste them somewhere safely so that you can make sure that when you do transfer from experimental to early access that, you don't lose your save files in the process somehow or


some people when they move they, then they save but then they're having issues on the experimental version but can't go back anymore because they saved on the experimental version so just just back up your save files and please yeah please please back up your save files because every time we do kind of a release there's always like a couple of people that reach out to me like my save files are gone and you should and there can be a multiple issues that cause that either it's like cloud save doing something funky that's not supposed to or like human error or you know anything can happen and we don't really blame anyone but like just back up your save files because it sucks losing your save file that you worked on for like hundreds of hours, yeah and and we don't have access to your save files or anything like that yeah like if they're in the cloud saves that stuff's handled by the platform and I don't even think they anything I don't think there's anyone there that can find your save files and even in those cases like don't take epic and steam for granted because like I've had people that did the correct thing on both steam and epic and their save files just got corrupted on the cloud and did something funky when they updated the steam client so like things can go wrong in many different like multitude of ways so having a back of your save file is really good there is a, there's a system we've made that sort of, does a backup from on your manual saves sometimes and that has saved some people in some cases so it also may be good to know but, yeah back up your safe house really important yup yup yup backup awareness tuesday I love it yep where are the save files actually