September 1st, 2020 Livestream Q&A: Roadmap?

September 1st, 2020 Livestream

Q&A: Roadmap?

This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: April 20th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Is there a roadmap publicly?

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you expect us to just drop it road map so so I saw this post on the steam farms about road map as well so so let me let me talk a bit about that as well so so the reason why we don't have a roadmap anymore, and we've talked about this in the past on our previous streams, the big reason why we don't have a roadmap is because, stuff change all the time and we don't feel confident enough or like we don't feel comfortable putting out, deadlines for our deliverables, because it there are several reasons for this but I think the biggest one for us is mainly that it's set up like these deliverables in the roadmap set up kind of like internal deadlines for us which created this fallacy where we have we've made the decision that we shouldn't crunch and yet we would crunch for each update and we tried to avoid that, so that's why we don't have like a road map saying like at this time point in time we're gonna release this that's why we don't have a road map that's like a road by road map but then the next question is okay but why don't you just have like a you know general information on what's coming for the game it doesn't have to you don't have to specify like it's coming in march or you know if you don't like doing that why is there nothing like that and the reason for that is because, we haven't like decided yet fully exactly what we wanna like what's coming next, and we we are doing that like I can't like when we say we don't know it's coming like obviously we have ideas of what's coming, and when I say we don't know it means we haven't decided right so we haven't fully decided yet, exactly you know what's coming roughly when it's coming you know, because some things are still kind of like in debate internally some things are you know up for anything can happen you know development wise like we we it's very easy to be ambitious with game development and be like yeah we're gonna have this and this and this and it's gonna be awesome and then you work like on half of like you spend like half the time oh sorry if you say like in a year we'll have this business and you spend like half the year you're like wow we only made like 20 of what we set out to do, so we also don't want to build any expectations of like what satisfactory might contain before we know what satisfactory will contain we don't we when we commit to stuff we want to be like this is 100 what's gonna happen, so that's why we don't even have that, however, we are discussing ways that we get around this or like how we kind of fill the gap with this, because we can really only go so far like not everyone's gonna tune into the streams and we try to be as like explicit as possible about like why certain things are the way they are on stream, but not everyone can tune in for that and and, not everyone wants to tune in for that, so we're we're trying to figure out ways to fill that hole and one of ways is to have a more open development cycle where we talk a little bit more like what we're actively working on right now instead of being like figurative about it and release it again, so and and this is something that I reiterate almost every week that we but we think this is important, that, like whenever I see people saying like the game's dead like what the are you talking about there's so much happening behind the scenes and it's just like I guess it falls on me and jace to make sure that you guys know that there is happening holy there's a lot of work going on in the background, but for various reasons we can't be like you know we can't throw ourselves out there because of this and this and this and sometimes it's really hard it's really hard to convey that when you don't you know have these opportunities to to be you know face on face like this and explain things, and not everyone reads like all the steam post or the steam news section stuff or like you know so it's just hard to reach everyone so try just to spread the information as much as you can and help us out and know that stuff is happening like there's so much work happening