January 19th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Some buildings used to auto-select recipes?

January 19th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Some buildings used to auto-select recipes?


This question may have been asked previously at least 1 other time, as recently as September 2020.
This question has a related video
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-iCOiamAc_ak">[https://youtu.be/iCOiamAc_ak YouTube - January 19th, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: Some buildings used to auto-select recipes?]</ref>



make sure to hit it up, so I have one question here this is something that I've also thought about and something I know we we changed it for a reason but, where some buildings when it's like the smelters for instance when it receives like copper, ore it will be like oh I want to make a copper ingot because this is copper ore this is how it used to work, and we changed this for a reason I'm pretty sure but I don't remember why remember why mark I don't even I've never seen it work like that I think okay it was like in the old old old old builds, it actually happened in the build that I played with jace, a while ago when we checked the retrospective of, I think that vaude is still up where you can check it out where me and jace essentially played like the first two tiers I think in a way old build like way pre-alpha, and that that was the case there like if you put down a smelter and you feed it in copper ore it will be like oh you want to make copper ingots, I think my personal like like, guess would be that it would become, inconsistent with the rest of the game so like you learn that oh this building just automatically switches recipes but then when you actually need to set recipes you haven't been taught that by the game, yeah it does I think it does pose a big inconsistency issue where it would be super beneficial for smelters for example which only have one input and a limited amount of recipes but then when you get to constructors you can maybe make multiple things out of the same input item like for example you put in iron ingots do you want to make iron plates or iron rods how is the game supposed to know what you want to make yeah yeah so yeah it seems like we both have the same like it just becomes inconsistent with the game, you get this quality of life feature that doesn't always hold up so just it's just weird and it becomes harder to explain that