October 10th, 2023 Livestream
Q&A: Any plans to stop Trains Stations from freezing all Belts when loading/unloading?
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<ref name="yt-iBE8MWLrl_U">[https://youtu.be/iBE8MWLrl_U YouTube - October 10th, 2023 Livestream - Q&A: Any plans to stop Trains Stations from freezing all Belts when loading/unloading?]</ref>
- Features > Buildings
- Features > Buildables > Conveyor Belts
- Features > Transportation > Trains
- Features > Unplanned Features
any plans to stop train stations from freezing all belts when loading unloading no we actually added that because it caused so many issues not having it and, I think it's better a better solution for people to just add a buffer to to the to as like outside of the train track so you can load that so you can load unload and load from the conveyor, storage containers buffer outside of it I think that's a better solution, both in terms of like for for the sake of being explicit as like what's going on but also because that issue that we have, when you're loading and unloading while the train is docking