August 13th, 2024 Livestream State of Dev

August 13th, 2024 Livestream

State of Dev

00:00 Intro
00:54 Q&A: Was Eevee trained to run like that?
01:14 Mikael thought the game was being released in December
02:05 Phase 5 / Tier 9
05:53 Most people are back now
06:49 Video on Hard Drives
08:44 Two options instead of three + re-rolling
11:16 The M.A.M. has been redesigned
11:26 Outro
11:48 Q&A: Portable Miners are stackable?
12:05 Q&A: How long did it take Snutt to find a hard drive in real life?

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anyways welcome to the weekly Dev stream everybody hope you had a fantastic, break from us I know you all needed it we certainly needed it a break from ourselves and, yeah we're back we're back swinging baby because we already dropped a video on the YouTube channel about hard drives and, that's what we're going to talk about now wow my whole computer's lagging, I miss your breathing s yeah me too I'm gonna stop doing that for now one so, yeah what do you think about the video make it what the hard drive one yeah I'm still I'm still amazed that the breaking the stick when running in the forest only was took one shot I don't know why people keep commenting this but everyone's like oh how many takes did it take to to step on the stick like that was literally the only take I did I only need one baby was Eevee trained to like run like that or did she just do her own thing yeah I just like sit her down and then tell like run and she just runs nice nice yeah yeah she she, she likes to run sometimes yeah mhm yeah that's a good video and there's been like another couple of those since, I was lost on The Stream one of them with, a quite significant news what was that when was the last time we streamed I thought I thought I was on the stream last like oh right you were sorry I forgot I forgot that you weren't you haven't been on streams in a while no no yeah, I was in the dark like our boss told me that the game is out in December and I'm like oh okay and then I see this trailer and I'm like well she lied to me awesome she didn't by the way what was the last so the last bit of news before vacation was, what was it no I think it was the week before the video landed because that stream I remember you hinting at like you tried to hint at a big video next week so Friday the last video the last video was announcing phase five in tier 9ine I don't know if we've talked about that on stream actually maybe this is the, time to do it actually, but we have Chad please help me out because- I have such a hard time remember but I don't believe we've talked on stream since we announced that, phase five and tier n are like the main, like the main content in 1.0, no streams okay cool that makes it okay that explains why I have this like weird Gap yeah no we haven't talked about that so right before we went on on vacation we announced that Phase 5 is like the last base in the game I think a lot of people have pieced it together based on some of the like content that we've put out on the channel, I saw people comment on this back in like, the video where we talked about the research changes and the recipe changes where a lot of people took note that like oh it's interesting that a lot of like the quote unquote endgame like research is suddenly moved back to to like the mid game and like some of the unlocks that you get late in the game currently also move back, and that the Mam and like that stuff is is a bit earlier which sort of s suggests that there's stuff coming and I believe you know we've mentioned that like know we're mainly focusing on on endgame content in 1.0 but now you know that like yes there's there's like an entire face entire one last face and there's there's a a new like set of technology that you unlock in this space which is tier n, I can already debunk that like there's no tier 10 okay so there's never been a tier 10 or is there, shut up there's no tier 10 coming in 1.0 tier 9 is the last tier and, that's, like where like some of the most complex parts that you're going to be building is going to be in tier n, tier X yeah too many tiers eight tiers was a lot and then we were like oh T another tier nine, we won't go too like in depth yet as to like what tier n will actually like be we we're going to get to that okay, but I mean we're close enough to release surely we can just wait at this point right yeah yeah yeah yeah patient Gamers yeah yeah patient we waited so long you can wait a bit more, but the Avid viewer has spotted there might be some new buildables in tier n which is possible there might be some new buildables there might be some new parts, lasers oh there's definitely lasers don't worry about it there's there's no no no guaranteed lasers guaranteed we would we wouldn't joke about that


, so yeah exciting news and, yeah there's also going to be a way to to like complete the game as well I think was sort of sort of confirmed in the last video we posted shout out to the fact that, it already feels very very good to sit on stream and not having to worry about slipping up on words like tier five or September or whatever the hell yeah like I'm I'm I'm relaxed today imagine if you accidentally said that tier five is coming, so yeah that was that video before vacation and then we obviously went on vacation for a while and, now I think this week is the first week when like everyone is sort of back which is not true because some people actually, are on vacation but it's just like one or two people like the majority of the studio are back and the major majority of Studio are working on wrapping up 1.0 and finishing it and, getting like a release candidate ready, and, yeah there there's a lot of stuff going on honestly like even though we're so late in this process like with bug fing and whatnot there's still like a lot of stuff that we try to squeeze in last second before we like freeze everything up to be like okay this is the build so, I think August is going to be like the last push where we sort of do that, so we but we only have like one or two weeks left so, yeah time to hit that gold baby yep and last week I dropped a video on hard drives, which is, a change that we made in 1.0 where, we've changed it's not a big change but it is kind of like I don't know how to describe this this is so I just want to like talk a little about about this because like- I want to address some of the comments that we've gotten on the video I think a lot of people really like this change and and we certain like this change I think it's it's a lot better, so the way it works now in 1.0 is when you're finding hard drives, in the world you're taking these hard drives back to the maam and these are like corrupted damage hard drives so they contain a couple of recipes but you're only going to be able to like, extract one of them because it's a broken hard drive right that's the lore behind like why you can only pick one recipe, out of the bunch I know that some people commented about this I also want to one comment that I saw that I thought it was really funny, was that like why don't they just give us all the hard like all the recipes that aren't hard drives it doesn't make any sense why are they gamifying this aspect of the game and I'm just like yeah why would you gamify a game that that's strange anyways yeah so so so the lore is that like you're finding these crash hard broken hard drives and you're taking them back to the B you're like scanning them and, you can only extract like one recipe out of the bunch, in the effort that's that's like the reasoning behind it the Reon be reason behind it is because we want some Randomness to the game and we want there to be some form of, you know it's not just the same experience every single time, so, so yeah some some things that people find a bit strange, that we comment in the videos like- I mentioned that, when you get these hard drives you're going to have two options now instead of three, because we found that like when you have only two options it's a lot easier to pick one of the two but we do have this roll feature where once per hard drive you're able to like roll the hard drive and get two other to new recipes and people were commenting that like but wait you're you're removing one option because of decision paralysis but now you have four options instead so it's not really four options it is still two options, because when you reroll you remove those two like other options I think people are sort of underestimating like how different that experience is versus like having more options like we have before, because it is it is easy like it's it's a bit of an illusion when it comes to choice right, in our game and, yeah we in the Clos Alpha sorry in the Clos beta, when we ask people about this people agreed with us that yes this is a makes it easy to choose you also have a lot more control over like what recipes that you're, you're Gathering, which is like hard to explain but if you know how it works then you'll definitely notice it and I know that like the Min maxers out there will definitely take advantage of that, because when I was recording this video I was like I want to really want to demonstrate getting cash Crews and it was so easy to get cash Crews, at the point when I was recording this like it was honestly too easy because I actually had to redo the same save file twice because literally the first recipe I unlocked was the cash GRS when I did the roll thing and I was like it doesn't really demonstrate how it works so I had to do it twice, to make to make it look harder than already was, so like when you know how this system works it's a lot easier to get the specific alt recipes you want, due to the the way the Pool Works, and, yeah- I think it it solves some of the problems that we've found, I know a lot of people comment that like I still don't like the randomness of it and that's that's fair they feel that way, we probably won't make any changes though cuz we like there to be some Randomness but you know not every game is for everyone and not all our decisions is going to fit everyone but we're pretty happy with the way that it is right now, so, yeah and there's a new maam there's a new like the maam has been redesigned along with the Hub, so there's a new model for it which is nice and that's pretty much the the summary of the hard D video mhm questions no no questions perfect if you have any questions you can do exclamation mark AMA and then we'll we'll get to that, during the Q&A if we feel like it if we feel like it if the question is good enough get it and portable miners are stackable who knows who knows we've that's been leaked before though that's an old that's an old leak or we'll take it the people that that know they'll know, how and how long did it get to me to find a hard drive in real life, not that hard because for some reason I save all my old hard drives- I swap them out every what is it eight years or something like that hard drives have like a shelf life of something so I have a bunch of extra yeah