June 8th, 2021 Livestream Snutt Talk: No more bug fixes until Update 5

June 8th, 2021 Livestream

Snutt Talk: No more bug fixes until Update 5


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-hdbFUc78Srk">[https://youtu.be/hdbFUc78Srk YouTube - June 8th, 2021 Livestream - Snutt Talk: No more bug fixes until Update 5]</ref>



I saw a question about like some some bug blah blah blah are you gonna push it soon hopefully so we're not gonna push any more updates or bug fixes until update five I don't know if we've announced that at some point but oh really no, because, this this is- I've talked a lot on the steam forms about this but I'll I'll echo it here, like our game is in early access and and, we we sort of have to move on at certain points because if we get stuck and tread the water for so for too long then the overall production of the game is going to slow down so like we fix the same bug sometimes many times and it's just like not worth it and the same thing with like if we have, issues where you know we implement an update and then it causes an issue and then we fix that issue and then the next update costs the same issue and then we fix that again we can't keep doing that for forever, so we'd rather like move on ahead the the only thing we've we're focusing on when it comes to fixes on the current version is like if it's a critical bug like if the game if you can't play the game or you know if if there's an issue that just like stalls everything for you, but if there's a workaround like you know even if it's inconvenient even if you have to use like an external tool up until like the next update then you're gonna have to make do with that for now, just because we need to focus on like the next update essentially so that's why like some some fixes we might say like we have fixed this internally you won't see those fixes until up to five unfortunately just because it's so much work to, publish, fixes to the game and make updates I think the only exception to this is translation I think translation is going to be keep rolling out, in chunks and some major bug fixes or if we run into anything else that we feel like this is critical, but most most things will be saved for update five yep and it and it probably feels super, like it it probably feels frustrating for you guys but trust me it's like better for everyone in in the long run because it means that we can get to 1.0 faster