November 10th, 2020 Livestream Q&A: Can you summarise the upcoming builds for the next months?

November 10th, 2020 Livestream

Q&A: Can you summarise the upcoming builds for the next months?

This question was possibly replaced with a more recent answer: February 9th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Can you summarise the extent to which Update 4 will be released in terms of the Engine Upgrade?

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-hUYyIETHuJ4">[ YouTube - November 10th, 2020 Livestream - Q&A: Can you summarise the upcoming builds for the next months?]</ref>



can you summarize the upcoming builds for the next few months no I can't actually no I can't, or like not like we have we have like the thing I talked about last well the thing I talked about when you say builds I assume they mean maybe the things I talked about last week so the upcoming builds you know what they are like so so we have a few things in the pipeline that we're going to push to experimental specifically so right now we're working on the fluids update which we're going to move over to early access today and then the next build or the next like thing we're pushing is the conveyor belt experimental fix that's going to live on experimental for a while and test so we can test it and make sure that it works and then once that feels like good we're moving that over to early access then we have the engine upgrade which is coming later in november or maybe possibly december because that seems to be dragging on a little bit the the merge of like the new version of unreal engine that has like a bunch of, like bunch of optimizations for us and tools for us but also a few things that we might get like as a plus for you guys and that will also include a few network optimization things some general optimization things it's also possible that it's going to be like some world fixes in that patch that's one thing and then after that is the modular build thing which is something we're doing for the mods specifically so they have an easier time of of loading and unloading mods within the game, and also helps them out when they're debugging and working on mods to be able to like try them out a little bit better those are a few things that are coming and then after that I think it's update four, well there you are I didn't know that so that might be what they were referring to and we'll talk a little bit more about this in a coming video, this week maybe or maybe it's not in that video I don't know yeah we'll see I think there's a little bit of that in there yeah