September 6th, 2022 Livestream State of Dev

September 6th, 2022 Livestream

State of Dev

00:00 Intro
01:53 A quick recap
03:54 What's going on with Update 6?
07:10 Update 6 Release Date
10:58 Update 6 Creature Changes, intention vs. reality
15:07 Fixes & Changes to Creatures
19:28 Reiterating the estimated Release Date
20:32 Soon™ 🌌🪐
23:25 Q&A: Two suns, does that mean two shadows?
24:18 Upcoming Patches
28:03 TL;DR for Patches
28:31 Outro

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hello good morning good evening good night if you're watching this in australia it's super late so anyways hello everybody welcome to our weekly dev stream which is going to be a shorter one today because there's so much going on, we'll talk a bit we'll talk more about that how's everybody doing hope everyone's having a good tuesday tuesday yes it's tuesday today I hope you're all doing good it's, it's, it's getting cold I don't know I don't have to say it's, I don't like it fall is coming I summer was too short okay it's reading I don't I don't like it all right anyways, welcome to our weekly dev stream is this is your first time tuning in my name is nude I'm one of the community managers at coffee stain studios we're working on a game called satisfactory yay we've been in early access for three years plus quite some time, and, yeah we're going to talk about what's going on so today's going to be a shorter stream mostly because there's so much going on for me at the moment I've got a little bit of a deadline tomorrow that I kind of need to meet so we're I need that I need that hour man I need that hour I also didn't have time to prepare much for today but I do have a couple of really cool things to share with you all, regarding sort of state of dev, but also sort of what's going on with update six on early access so super excited about that just a quick recap if you didn't see the video I put out last week I talked about sort of why update six is the way that it is I also talked about that we're back from vacation now if you watched the previous streams you already know that we're back from vacation because we've been back for a couple of weeks now but yeah so, update six is, coming very soon very very soon, I'll talk I'll talk a little bit about that sex in a second all right I just want to there's there's a couple things I want to clear out first before we do that, and that is the current state on experimental, right now the game is crashing a lot and it has been crashing a couple of last patches, we're obviously working on that we were hoping to get a patch out actually this morning but due to something I don't know lame excuse we weren't able to put it back early today it's always going to be late so always gonna be late updates for us apparently, but we are we have a fix we have fixed that internally and the next patch will include a fix for the crashes that most people have been having there's still a couple of things that we're still investigating and think but those are more obscure crashes the obvious ones are the ones where like when crab hatches spawn on client and stuff like that the game crashes, I think that happens on in single player as well but yeah it's it's a little bit of a mess and it's been a little bit slow on your saving and stuff like that most of those issues we hope are fixed now and, we're gonna roll that out as soon as we can there's one patch that we're currently it's currently going through smoke testing so it will be out as soon as it's gone through all that smoke testing essentially and gone through the whole update procedure essentially so very very soon, and, yeah once once that out hopefully we'll have a steady build on experimental because we haven't really had that since we got back from vacation and we started rolling out patches so which is a bummer but it is what it is so, update six what's going on with update six it's the most critical question everyone has on their minds right now so if you didn't watch the video I put out last week a quick recap of that is is, updatex has been on experimental for a while now I think the the update came out in june and yeah june right so we've been out on on experimental for a month and then we took a vacation for a month so august has been like our vacation month and then now we've gone back for a couple of weeks and we're working on sort of wrapping up and fixing things and improving the systems that we have right now, so update six is a minor update if in case I mean I'm sure everyone who watches the stream right now already knows all this stuff but just to clarify update six is a minor update the main reason why optics is a smaller update is because we've been working on other things at the same time so usually when previous updates we've sort of looked at like okay here's the time frame between when we want the update to be out what can we do in in in this like time frame and we've made decisions like okay we're gonna work on this and this and this because that fits the time frame so but this time around we decided that it's more important for us to focus on getting out of early access so most of our design decisions and most of our production decisions are based on the fact that we want to get out of early access we want to finish the game we want to reach 1.0 for satisfactory we want to define 1.0 satisfaction as well which is really hard it's taken us so long to sort of figure out what can we do and what will fit and what do we think is like a good state of both features but also like how well it performs and stuff like that for update for for, the version 1.0 I.e the the the one that where we leave early access essentially so so we're focusing on that we're not we're not speed running to get out of early access we've just we just realized that you know in between updates we sort of always move the goal posts so you know we thought we were going to be done with this game like maybe a year ago or so I thought we I thought the initial or rather I think the initial idea was that we want to be done with the game for 2022 which I don't think is happening, just just putting that out there I don't think anyone thinks that's gonna happen so but that was the initial idea like the initial goal was to be done with the game in 2022 and have it I mean done in the sense that it's 1.0 version right so out of early access essentially so we've been focusing a lot more on that which means that we have to sort of take decisions based on you know that's the highest priority which meant that when we were working on update tick stuff some stuff are we were we knew we were gonna make for update six and some stuff we are gonna do for later later down the line so so that's why up to six is a smaller update and there's more to come there's a lot of exciting things that we've been working on that we haven't shown yet and that we are gonna start showing once update six is out on, early access or like in the stable branch once we've moved it out from experimental so that is exciting exciting times essentially so let's see check my notes so yeah so so that's what what's been going on, obviously we haven't you know we haven't set a date for update six yet on on early access until today because we're actually gonna kind of kind of but I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna essentially like we've done this before right we've been kind of honest like when we internally think that we're gonna push stuff sometimes we delay it and you know it is what it is but I think most people kind of realize that you know the development is tricky and you know when we say a date you know that it's not 100 certain that that's gonna happen, but, but I'm gonna let you guys in on on sort of what's been going on so the initial date that we wanted to release update six was gonna be next week it was gonna be 13th of september but unfortunately because of sort of both the state of the build as it's been since we got back from vacation there's been a lot of crashes there's been a lot of issues it's kind of hard to like ascertain the the state of the build if you will, which you know is when we're when we're deciding like what what how how long do we need to like finalize and stabilize the build you know we're sort of basing that on on the live build essentially and we've got a little bit of delayed of both when we were pushing the live bill out but also when we were doing our internal qa got also delayed by a week, so the third third 13th the 13th is not looking promising the 20th of september though is looking promising so that is the likely date, we think at this moment anything can change and we're kind of hesitant to reveal on of saying that because it all hinges on this patch that we're putting out today that was why I kind of we wanted it to come out this morning but, yeah but we're so so just so you know that's what we're shooting for right now, it's not like you know 100 set in stone as of yet it really hinges on like the state of the bill that's going on experimental today so in case there's issues with this bill today you know we might need to reconsider but, that yeah so that's essentially what we're planning for if if you've got your eyes set on on when you want to play update 6 on the early access branch then hopefully on september 20th that will happen so which isn't two weeks from now or yeah two weeks from now, there's also a couple of other reasons why why we felt like we might need it delay a little bit, we're working on you know some trailer stuff as well for for the release of that and, yeah so so now you all know now you all know oh I should have moved to state of dev now you all know what's going on, for update six hopefully you're excited for that I know I am and, yeah but we'll take it from there we'll, we'll obviously let you guys know if things change, and I will probably post on our socials after we've ascertained you know this bill that's coming out today once we know that that's okay that's when we'll bang on the big drum so to speak because that is the main culprit right now is that we don't know sort of the full state of the things because it's been it's been a little bit of a bummer start for since we got back on vacation since we've had so many issues with the builds that has been going out on experimental we were originally we were optimistic that we would be able to get it out you know this week today actually was the like first first idea but, that's not happening that didn't happen at all, so, so yeah that's the state of things, on the topic of this patch that's coming out there's actually so- I mentioned that when we put out like we put out updates it's kind of early on experimental and one of the reasons was because scheduling wise it made sense to sort of do that, even though it was before our vacation and then there would be like this big gap of development time where you wouldn't see any updates to the the build so essentially it'd be like frozen time a little bit, before vacation and then now we're coming back to it and started rolling out of stuff again, so so when we launched update six on experimental in june, we weren't finished with it there were still a couple of things that we were working on, one of the main things where we were working on creatures we were going to introduce you know more changes to creatures we were going to do more things tied to creatures and we've sort of, we sort of ran into a couple of roadblocks that made it, longer to develop the changes to creatures but also a bunch of bugs that have been creeping up that has taken a lot of time to like investigate and figure out like why they're happening a lot of strange issues with how we're testing stuff internally everything works and then once we make we package the build and and send it out then there are new issues that we don't encounter when we're testing it, which have been really tricky to like nail down what what is costing them so we actually need to take a step back and rework a couple of things just to make sure our build pipeline works the way it's intended, and, yeah we all yeah we also did a little bit of a feature creeping where you know as we were developing you realize there's new stuff but essentially what I'm trying to say is when we were working on creatures we were reworking the ai system we're working sort of the navigation system and all the systems that tie into ai creatures we essentially did like a complete rewrite of all those systems and we're quite happy with like how those rewrites work because the way we did ai behavior before was a mess essentially so we're quite happy with the changes we made but obviously it took a bit longer than we expected, and we sort of we sort of knew that that was going to be a thing right we knew that that things were probably going to take longer than we expected but it took more like it took way longer than we expected, so so the initial idea was for update six once it was out on early access that it would be sort of, feature complete in the sense that like this the state of creatures would be like 1.0 state you know what I mean like, like they would be sort of how creatures behaved and sort of how they worked that's sort of what they would behave in the 1.0 version of the game so, so, that's not going to happen it's a short story long, long story short, unfortunately we don't think we're going to be able to get the creatures to a 1.0 state so to speak so we're going to sort of instead of like delaying the entire update 6 and like the plan that we had for update 6 we are going to sort of release update 6 in its kind of current state, put a pin in that it's current state you guys haven't seen in the latest state yet, we'll talk about that in a second but, yeah update six in like the state it sort of is in right now and we will keep working on creatures adding new stuff, down the line iteratively and, yeah essentially essentially that's what I wanted to say so so we won't get everything in you know there's there's more variations of creatures we want to get in there's also an entirely new creature that we haven't even shown yet that I haven't even seen actually that we are also planning to do, so so we'll sort of see what happens after update six is out on early access like what we go what we do we'll keep you all in loop and, we'll sort of keep like an open dev of what's going on there and, yeah we'll see what happens so the reason why I said put a pin in the creature stuff is because, in this patch that we're rolling out today, we have a another like potential fix to all the creature spot respawning issues that people have been having there's been a bunch of issues where it feels like very empty in the environment as you're running around and you build factories and stuff like that only like the crab hatcheries are spawning and stuff like that so we have a potential fix for that today and it's it's a little bit of an involved fix I kind of want to talk a little bit about it because it's something I've also seen people discuss on on like the forums and in discord and stuff like that and I think it'd be fun to sort of just, explain a little bit what we're changing for now so the thing with the creatures like respawning system it's a little bit of a conundrum for us because it shouldn't do that like the way we're looking at we're looking at it logically we're looking at how it works, it's really tricky to like even though we're looking at save files people have sent us it doesn't make fully sense to us why it's doing it the way it is and partly it's tied into some changes we've done to sort of the logic behind the respawning of creatures so if you didn't know, when you first start playing in an empty world, as you're wandering around to the different spawn locations creatures will spawn in and once you've killed them, there's like a set logic gate as like how they when they can respawn sort of again and there's there's a couple of like things that stop respawning one of which is when you're placing buildables around the respawn area and in the past we've had it so that you needed to have like one powered building and you needed like at least a couple of build pieces for the respawning to work and we sort of gone back and forth a bit about this because at times people were complaining their their creatures were responding to aggressively, and now we're in the like the opposite where they're not responding aggressively enough so we're tweaking and going back and forth and and part of the issue we found is that it's part partly due to like this thing where buildables are stopping respawns and, we've sort of tweaked a little bit how that logic works so at the moment if I remember correctly because I did get a rundown of how this all works but I think we're gonna keep changing it a little bit and tweaking it, based on your feedback from this patch today but essentially the way it works is when you have a powered building it blocks like respawning within like I think it's 150 meters of radius or something like that might be more, and then we also now I think introduced so that when you're placing foundation pieces they have a smaller radius so you can't just like run around and place foundation pieces all over the place to sort of stop creatures from spawning but I think that's sort of what's happening at the moment I think we're a bit too aggressive when you're placing any buildable that makes it so that they don't spawn but for some reason crab hatchers ignore that logic which which is probably a different bug but, so yeah we we decided to reduce the the the radius for respawning which doesn't make any sense for us because it used to be a lot more it used to be a lot bigger that radius but, but yeah now that we've reduced that radius and we tested it a little bit ourselves we've noticed that yeah that actually did improve the respawning mechanics of the game so we probably need to look into this a bit more and figure out like was it was this a bug before or is this a bug now with the respawn radius stuff or like is it correct now we don't fully know so we're going to look into this a bit more but essentially tldr for the state of that bug that you guys are running into with the creatures is that it function a lot better in our internal tests so we're really excited to see sort of when this patch goes live that's coming up today hopefully today fingers crossed, we want to hear your feedback on if you feel like creatures still not spawning enough or if they're responding too much or you know if that issue is resolved, and we'll take it from there essentially and keep tweaking out this, vertically yes so it's it's a it's a complete, 360 radius or whatever it's a full it's a sphere essentially yes it's experimental the patch for today still still still not sure if in case you just joined and you didn't hear it, our internal our internal that we're not publicly communicating is we hope to get the, update six out on on, ea on september 20th this year fun fact so yeah that's that's sort of what we've been working on and that's sort of what's going into this patch we're hopefully fingers crossed hopefully we've resolved most of those spawn issues but maybe we haven't and you know the best way to let us know if that's the case or not is to let us know on our keyway site on the and if you're still not encountering creatures enough please note also that it takes like I think it takes three days for creatures to respawn so if you just kill this creature and you save and you load then they won't respawn for a couple of days essentially in game days so really important to to take note of that a couple of other exciting things in well not on this patch but very very soon very very soon that's gonna go into update six so like I mentioned update six isn't finished, we're still putting in stuff in update six and one thing, that also is probably coming in this patch I think is I don't know if you noticed but the sky sphere in in the game has been kind of changed significantly this is something that ben has been working on while most of us have been on vacation I think he's been we're fiddling around, and, yeah updated the sky sphere, especially during the night I think the night sky sphere is a bit big difference there, you know we introduced the the changes to the atmosphere system when we had volumetric clouds and stuff like that now we also have the the better star like sky and stuff like that and the planets are like that you can see sort of from the view of massage to abb why I can never remember the name of the planet I don't know what it is, yeah those are getting another revamp so so the planets that you are seeing in the sky right now they're still working progress, and now I think they're more close to final and very exciting and also clarify something that I also been been asking a lot some people have been asking are are they moons or are they planets right, because here's one thing that a lot of people got wrong you know when we have like a day night cycle right you see the sun in the sky and then it goes down and then a lot of people assume that that was sort of the moon that's coming up that's not a moon that's the second star massage 2abb is a twin star or something something it means that there's two stars, in this in the skyline that is the second star that you're seeing at the knight but it's not as bright so that's why it's darker, and previously I think binary system that's the word I was looking for, and previously I think we the the planets that you did see there were two planets you could see they were I we assumed that I assumed that they were moons right the moons for the planet, in this next patch it's it's not clear what they are anymore, I think they're planets that you see I don't think they're moons I don't think massage to abb has a moon at all but what do I know right, so I just thought that was fun I don't know that it's just trivia I guess who cares no tides no moon that that's yeah exactly so so that's I think I think that is the case here, and I think it's gonna be kind of evident when you see the changes to the the planets that they probably aren't moons anyways so, so yeah two sons does that mean two shadows since the suns aren't like in the sky at the same time which apparently isn't 100 accurate but you know it's a little bit of game logic because we didn't want to have, because if you have a binary star system you can you're supposed to be able to see both suns at certain times of the day, depending on on the the cycle which we don't do in the game in our game you know one sun sets and then the other sun comes up and they're kind of like in sync at all times so which is mostly because we want to have a day and night cycle more so than I which is more important for us than it being like 100 you know accurate in terms of that, so so so so yeah fun stuff fun stuff so a sky work rework is still happening and I think it's finalizing it's coming to a close and it will be done for update six once it reaches ea but this patch is gonna be exciting, one thing that didn't make it into this patch but it's coming very very very soon if not in the next patch is a couple of things that people have been requesting on our qa side remember questions on, is that we're sort of fixing up some of the stuff that we were working on for update five, I put this in the video last week where we've added now so you can add materials to to the foundation pieces so not golf shut up, we've added so that you can paint foundation pieces using the same material type as us you know all the regular foundations, clarification here as well some people asked why did you get rid of the coloring like the bi-coloring stuff for foundation those foundation pieces they looked sick the main reason is because we're using the the secondary color for the markers or the not the markers the the swatches that you're using the, patterns I think they're calling the game, so they were kind of like that was the main reason why we switched that system is because they were kind of yeah stencils that were kind of like fighting against each other so the secondary color is now used for for patterns or stencils or whatever so that's why, the bi-color of the foundation pieces for the corner ramps disappeared because that's how the new system works essentially but now we moved over those those pieces to that new material system which means that you can you know make proper tunnels now that people have been requesting and you can make them into all the different materials and you can paint them and yada yada and one thing that we really wanted to put into update five but we didn't have time for was to include, corner pieces for roof tiles so if you if you remember you know if you're if you're placing slanted, roof tiles if you're doing like a like a full, corner thing or not a corner if you're doing like a full you want them to like slant inwards you know there's a corner piece missing and people have been doing you know weird things to get around that this was something we really wanted to get into update 5 but we didn't have time for it and since between update 5 and update 6 and you know as things are progressively more finished with update six man people really like that apparently, super stoked in chat yeah so so we've been catching up on like all the things that we didn't have time to finish for update five so they're going into update six instead and one of those things is being able to paint foundation corners and now also roof corners, so super excited about that let me see if I missed something real quick yeah and apparently oh yeah so so, hopefully this is correct but yeah so corner, roof corner pieces and there's also you know that tilted, wall pieces I think there's also a corner piece for that but I that one I haven't seen it so I can't confirm it but I think so so yeah a corner piece essentially corner pieces you guys quarter pieces okay this is the best day ever, that's not coming into this patch unfortunately but it's coming in like next patch, so probably sometime this week, corn dog corn dog pizzas I like corn very topical very topical okay, so yeah get hyped for the next patch, so so so yeah tldr whoa what's happening my camera it's moving down, this next patch is coming up today fingers crossed fixes for creatures and respawning specifically and fixes for crashes that people are having and next patch corner pieces okay dope corn patch confirmed yes, so yeah let me check I think I think, juicy juicy sort of state of depth today, with a couple of deep like nice details I think, you know nothing nothing too major but I think a lot of people have been looking forward to to the corner pieces specifically so, yeah super super stoked