September 26th, 2023 Livestream Snutt Talk: Adventures with Creatures

September 26th, 2023 Livestream

Snutt Talk: Adventures with Creatures

00:00 Snutt forgets that creatures respawn
00:39 This is a private property, sir
00:59 Snutt holds Twitch Chat hostage for 4 hours
03:05 Snutt risks losing his driving license
04:05 Meme about Snutt & Eevee
04:51 Snutt takes another hostage
05:26 Outro

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-hBpyBFdyhq4">[ YouTube - September 26th, 2023 Livestream - Snutt Talk: Adventures with Creatures]</ref>



whoa I thought I killed all right they respawned I forgot there you are I was like where is it I was looking around oh no it's in the node oh I can't get it all right whatever oh the Piggy's back in the back but like that's a new one oh yeah I eat oh my God give him my steel back where do you think you're going this is a private property sir I'm gonna have to ask sir this is your trespassing sir not allowed to be here sir like let's not go let me just, hey buddy oh are you back into a corner let's hey come back here all right Chad here's the deal okay this lizard dog was not my hostage okay if y'all start acting up okay just just just know what can happen okay so you better behave okay, no but yeah so one cool thing to do here is like you can pull the, I can pull those two up there through the beam oh you don't negotiate with terrorists ah still can't get over how dark snow has become planting explosives on doggos and laughing about it what do you mean become I feel like I've always done that gotta keep you on edge you know or we can pull up this now one oh but if we do that we might kill the Liz doggo oh never mind we'll say that I'm still saving that from when chat gets rowdy if you guys I don't know if somebody clipped that before I don't know if you're in their context don't you dare it still is well don't don't get routed with me I certainly did clip that nice never forget where am- I'm I'm so lost oh hey Liz dog bam oh oh I didn't mean to do that Cola didn't mean to do that bruh he's okay folks all right I was updating, unsubscribing now jokes on you I wasn't even subscribed foreign biggest anime betrayal of this year somebody


, made a because you know I have a dog right


someone made a meme with like the snoot when he's playing satisfactory and it's like me just boiling the lizard doggo but then when I'm like it's it's the, it's the,


what's his name the chef, Gordon Ramsay is someone who made the meme with like Gordon Ramsay when when it's me playing satisfactory the Liz dog was like eat and then when it's my dog it's like oh dear oh dear because I'm a sweetheart to my dog okay I'll let you know that much it's the awesome shop hiring asking for a friend ah wait where's your where's your you should have a little thing on you there we go dot dot dot all right another hostage now I won't I won't do it oh wait I need to oh wait we need to weigh up now I won't do it unless you get on my nerves chat I should have entered the stream with with pulling the, the, I'm pushing the, noblest detonator be like I don't know what happened to poor doggos yeah Chad did it that was your fault Chad 100 your fault foreign