February 7th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Will there be Map changes in Update 8?

February 7th, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: Will there be Map changes in Update 8?

00:00 Intro
01:04 Planned Map changes
03:58 Q&A: What about nodes in Spire Coast?


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will there be map changes in update 8 I don't know right now we I can say this though if we are going to change the map in update we are going to let you know like as soon as we can like I think when we made the updates sorry when we made the videos for update seven was that sparkhost change six was gonna be six I think yeah it was six, one of the first things we were like we got to show the map or like we got to talk about spiracles I'm like say that that's going to change, I think even before we showed spiracles we were like don't build here this area is going to change, so like this as soon as we know we are gonna like let you guys know as soon as possible because that everything that involves any changes your save files or like where you know your safel will still load and everything but they might break in a sense of like you can't place buildables or like maybe your factory gets engulfed by, by the foliage and the fauna whatever so we're gonna try and let you guys know as much as we can in advance we also have a map in our press kit if you go to our website satisfactory game and then you go to press kit there is second Thunder update 5 actually or is it before update five yeah and now you mentioned I think no no there might be another one I think there's an updated one but it's it's a little bit confusing maybe we should just move that out into, yeah into the main thing yeah, but it's also we might need to just do an update of it we because I did do an update of it, oh yeah four updates six or seven take seven seven okay let's see what's in the update seven folder I'll get the link and share it in general noise yeah because- I sat down with Hannah and when we went through the entire map again, and that's that's when we yeah that's when we announced like we were gonna we're gonna get rid of Paradise Island, which oh yeah right which might not be accurate anymore, it's apparently not accurate I'm gonna share the, a link to the, the press kit where the the new map changes are but on it it will say that Paradise Island is not is being deleted but that's not the case yeah we're keeping it now- I think, I think the The Stance is that Paradise Island won't be worked on, and I don't know I don't remember wait I gotta look at the map actually because I can't remember what I did- I think I just added like an X or something canceled that that can mean anything we're probably gonna update that map, soon but, but yeah that's that's the current stance on on what we're still working on you have like the different categories and say yes yeah exactly we just abandoned Paradise instead of deleting it so we're not going to work on it anymore I think we're gonna actually move the kill box so you can actually oh yeah hang out there more as well but yeah we're just not going to work on it, but having said that though, I'll check this map one more time but I'm pretty sure that, there are no plan changes like what we saw with, with Spire Coast but according to that there are some some areas if you look at that Map There's category B there's some areas that will have some potential landscape changes but but which may impact the factory but they shouldn't be major but there might still be some stuff like maybe some, Cliffs will stick out a little more or whatever or actually let me just pull this up on stream actually yeah do it yeah because because yeah also pull it up let me just pull it up on streamer so actually because one thing that's kind of interesting here is that the red jungle and bamboo field used to be marked as green but now they're red so they went from or C maybe they used to be a different category and now they went back a step instead of going forward, because we decided that no actually we are going to rework them a little bit more, so so, you know game development y'all it goes back and forth it is it is what about nodes and spider Coast I'm actually not 100 sure I think there's a possibility that, node placement or additions may be a thing in the future, but if if, if any of that happens we'll let you know as soon as possible, yeah so, I think, if you know I mean of course we're gonna have map changes in the future as we've just shown so whenever that does happen I think we will prioritize that information as soon as we know it for sure oh what's gonna happen, and who knows maybe we should look into it soon because maybe that's something that we could make soon, if we know like what what might be coming in update yeah I'm not sure actually which if we'll have any map changes or not we'll see yeah