September 20th, 2024 Video Upvote stuff on the QA Site

September 20th, 2024 Video

Upvote stuff on the QA Site

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there are many other issues and I know that like you're guys why didn't you mention this issue that I'm running into but yeah there are plenty of of, issues in the game currently and we are going to get around to a lot of these, but right now we're focusing on like the major hitters, first and foremost and when it comes to issues in general if you do run into any problems in the game or want to leave any specific feedback the best place to do this is over on our QA side questions thoughts satisfactory, please post there first and foremost, because anywhere else if you post it on like comments for this YouTube video on reddits on our Discord it is going to disappear in the void the question site or the QA site is really really the best place to to give us this feedback so please go there and when you do make posts on the QA side please try and give us as detailed information as possible on how to reproduce the issue, if this is an issue that like immediately appears in your save file then also consider linking your save file that helps tremendously having an actual safe file so we can just load it up and and you know being able to reproduce it ourselves, because if we're not able to reproduce the issue we are not going to have a good way of resolving that issue and if you're into crashes, hitting that like upload crash button really helps us a lot, you can even add a little bit of text in the crash reporter explaining sort of what was happening when the crash happened, so, please consider doing that as well one thing I also want to mention in this video is that we've