June 15th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Are there new Maps planned, or Map creation tools for the Community?

June 15th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Are there new Maps planned, or Map creation tools for the Community?


This question has 3 related videos
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-gpymYwsbqiI">[https://youtu.be/gpymYwsbqiI YouTube - June 15th, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: Are there new Maps planned, or Map creation tools for the Community?]</ref>



are there new maps planned or map creating tools for the community there are no new maps planned we haven't finished the first one yet or well the only one, so there's no real plans for a new map since it takes a long time to make maps but, as for a map creating tool I don't know if there are any plans for that it sort of makes some kind of sense especially since we want to, support mods like officially moving forward and map creation or editing sort of makes sense there but I don't know what that that requires on the technical side and so I don't know if we can actually allow that or not it's apparently very tricky it's it's like doable but it's like it requires a lot because of the way like tiles and chunks are streamed in, I think we'll be in a better stance to like know more about it once we've implemented the, the system that ben talked about in the video, the sub-level saving system that we've been wanting to do for a long time, which is the the real goal for that is to try to solve the issue where when you're running around in the map and it's like streaming in chunks of the world, the chunks are kind of big, that we set up so sometimes you'll get like those weird hitches when the game is trying to load in stuff, and the way to solve that is to break them down into smaller chunks and that's something that isn't something that we can feasibly like manually go and fix it's something we have to make a system for so that's something that we've planned to do for a long time but we haven't get around to it and I think once that's done maybe you will have a better idea of like if it will be possible to make any kind of level design tools because it is it is kind of tricky