June 27th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Still no real world-stopping pause when playing solo?

June 27th, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: Still no real world-stopping pause when playing solo?


This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: March 5th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Will the menu actually pause the game when playing solo? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBMjDQwMZZ4

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-ghyODcVzf10">[https://youtu.be/ghyODcVzf10 YouTube - June 27th, 2023 Livestream - Q&A: Still no real world-stopping pause when playing solo?]</ref>



oh this is an interesting one still no real world stopping pause when playing solo- I would like that feature I would like that feature and I feel like when playing solo I mean it should be doable I'm not sure what stops Us in that case I can't think of something but maybe other people on the team can think of something, I think it would be a great idea to have an actual pause, when playing solo obviously you can't pause when you're multiplayer because you've got other people well I mean you know who knows you could pause for everyone I guess but hmm you said the fps to zero isn't the same as pausing I'm not sure I think that's breaking the game